

20. The Ass, The Fox, And The Lion

The Ass and the Fox hav
ing entered into partnership together for their mutualprotection, went out into the forest to hunt. They had not proceeded far, when they met a Lion. The Fox, seeing the imminence of the danger, approached the Lion, a
nd promised to contrive for him the capture of the Ass, if he would pledge his word that his own life should not be endangered. On his assuring him that he would not injure him, the Fox led the Ass to a deep pit, and contrived that he s
hould fall into it. The Lion seeing that the Ass was secured, immediately clutched the Fox, and then attacked the Ass at his leisure.
20. 驴子、狐狸和狮子
驴子和狐狸结成联盟战线,出外到林中找食物。 走不了多远,遇见一只狮子。 狐狸见危险当前,便走到狮子面前,答应替它想办法捉住驴子,只要狮子答应不伤害自己。 狮子答应了,狐狸就引驴子往一个深坑去,使它掉下陷阱。 狮子看见驴子已经到手了,立刻先捉住狐狸,再去扑杀驴子。
