

162. The Trees And The Axe

A Man came into a forest, and made a pet
ition to the Trees to provide him a handle for his axe. The Trees consented to his request, and gave him a young ash tree. No sooner had the man fitted from it a new handle to his axe, than he began to use it, and quic
kly felled with his strokes the noblest giants of the forest. An old oak, lamenting when too late the destruction of his companions, said to a neighbouring cedar, "The first step has lost us all. If we had not given up
the rights of the ash, we might yet have retained our own privileges, and have stood for ages."
162. 树和斧头
一个人走进树林,向树请求给他一个做斧头的柄。 树便答应他的请求,给他一棵小小的榛树。 那人便用它做成一个新的斧柄,配到斧头上并开始使用,他迅速地砍了几下,砍倒了树林最高贵的大树。 其中有一棵老橡树,为了它同伴被毁灭而哭泣,可是已经来不及了。它对邻近的一棵柏树说:「这样我们必将一一葬送了。 如果我们没有拋弃那棵小榛树,我们如今也许还保住我们自己,可以长久地矗立在这里呢。」
