
欢迎来到超市, 你必须在60秒内购物完毕,然后才能进入下一关.
玩法: 点收款台显示器上的"Play"进入游戏,这时会显示一本购物单,点上面的物品,会有发声,请记好你要买哪些东西,等介绍完后,画面右侧会出现一个Go的按钮,点击开始游戏. 鼠标左右移动时,画面会跟着移动,点击可以选取你要买的东西.
Welcome to Trolley Dash! You have sixty seconds to collect everything on your shopping list. Finish in time and move to the next level.
How to play:Remember what is on the shopping list. You have60 seconds to get what is on the list. Use your mouse tomove yourtrolley left orright. Click on the item you want to buy. If you are right it will fall into your trolley.If you can't remember whatyou need to buy, click on the shopping list toreadit again.

trolley [´trɔli] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.手推车;电车 (四级词汇)