
intends to take me as he has others, as he did poor Kate. did you not see the

meaning in his eyes to-day? How they scorched me! Ho! Jim, take me away! Save

me! Do not leave me here to that horrible fate? Oh! Jim, take me away!"

"Nell, I will take you," cried Jim, grasping her hands.

"Hurry! There's a blanket full of things I packed for you," said Heckewelder.

"Lose no time. Ah! hear that! My Heavens! what a yell!" Heckewelder rushed to

the door and looked out. "There they go, a black mob of imps; a pack of hungry

wolves! Jim Girty is in the lead. How he leaps! How he waves his sledge! He

leads the savages toward the church. Oh! it's the end!"

"Benny? Where's Benny?" cried Jim, hurriedly lacing the hunting coat he had

flung about him.

"Benny's safe. I've hidden him. I'll get him away from here," answered young

Christy. "Go! Now's your time. Godspeed you!"

"I'm ready," declared Mr. Wells. "I--have--finished!"

"There goes Wingenund! He's running. Follow him, quick! Good-by! Good-by! God

be with you!" cried Heckewelder.

"Good-by! Good-by!"

Jim hurried Nell toward the bushes where Wingenund's tall form could dimly be

seen. Mr. Wells followed them. On the edge of the clearing Jim and Nell turned

to look back.

They saw a black mass of yelling, struggling, fighting savages crowding around

the church.

"Oh! Jim, look back! Look back!" cried Nell, holding hard to his hand. "Look

back! See if Girty is coming!"

Chapter XXVII.

At last the fugitives breathed free under the gold and red cover of the woods.

Never speaking, never looking back, the guide hurriedeastward with long

strides. His followers were almost forced to run in order to keep him in

sight. He had waited at the edge of the clearing for them, and, relieving Jim

of the heavy pack, which he swung slightly over his shoulder, he set a pace

that was most difficult to maintain. The young missionary half led, half

carried Nell over the stones and rough places. Mr. Wells labored in the rear.

"Oh! Jim! Look back! Look back! See if we are pursued!" cried Nell frequently,

with many a earful glance into the dense thickets.

The Indian took a straight course through the woods. He leaped the brooks,

climbed the rough ridges, and swiftly trod the glades that were free of

windfalls. His hurry and utter disregard for the plain trail left behind,

proved his belief in the necessity of placing many miles between the fugitives

and the Village of Peace. Evidently they would be followed, and it would be a

waste of valuable time to try to conceal their trail. Gradually the ground

began to rise, the way become more difficult, but Wingenund never slackened

his pace. Nell was strong, supple, and light of foot. She held her own with

Jim, but time and time again they were obliged to wait for her uncle. Once he

was far behind. Wingenund halted for them at the height of a ridge where the

forest was open.

"Ugh!" exclaimed the chieftain, as they finished the ascent. He stretched a

long arm toward the sun; his falcon eye gleamed.

Far in the west a great black and yellow cloud of smoke rolled heavenward. It

seemed to rise from out the forest, and to hang low over the trees; then it

soared aloft and grew thinner until it lost its distinct line far in the

clouds. The setting sun stood yet an hour high over a distant hill, and burned

dark red through the great pall of smoke.

"Is it a forest fire?" asked Nell, fearfully.

"Fire, of course, but---" Jim did not voice his fear; he looked closely at


The chieftain stood silent a moment as was his wont when addressed. The dull

glow of the sun was reflected in the dark eyes that gazed far away over forest

and field.

"Fire," said Wingenund, and it seemed that as he spoke a sterner shadow

flitted across his bronzed face. "The sun sets to-night over the ashes of the

Village of Peace.

He resumed his rapid march eastward. With never a backward glance the saddened

party followed. Nell kept close beside Jim, and the old man tramped after them

with bowed head. The sun set, but Wingenund never slackened his stride.

Twilight deepened, yet he kept on.

"Indian, we can go no further to-night, we must rest," cried Jim, as Nell

stumbled against him, and Mr. Wells panted wearily in the rear.

"Rest soon," replied the chief, and kept on.

Darkness had settled down when Wingenund at last halted. The fugitives could

see little in the gloom, but they heard the music of running water, and felt

