

第四十一条 企业与其关联方之间的业务往来,不符合独立交易原则而减少企业或者其关联方应纳税收入或者所得额的,税务机关有权按照合理方法调整。
Article 41 As regards a transaction between an enterprise and its affiliated parties, in case the taxable revenue or income of the enterprise or its affiliated parties reduces by virtue of the failure to conform to the arms length principle, the tax organ may, through a reasonable method, make an adjustment.

As regards the costs of an enterprise and its affiliated parties for jointly developing or accepting intangible assets, or jointly providing or accepting labor services, they shall, when calculating the taxable income amount, apportion them according to the arms length principle.

第四十二条 企业可以向税务机关提出与其关联方之间业务往来的定价原则和计算方法,税务机关与企业协商、确认后,达成预约定价安排。
Article 42 An enterprise may propose the pricing principles and calculation methods for the transactions between it and its affiliated parties to the tax organ, the tax organ and the enterprise shall, upon negotiations and confirmation, achieve an advance pricing arrangement.

第四十三条 企业向税务机关报送年度企业所得税纳税申报表时,应当就其与关联方之间的业务往来,附送年度关联业务往来报告表。
Article 43 When an enterprise submits its annual enterprise income tax returns to the tax organ, an annual report on the affiliated transactions between it and its affiliated parties shall be attached.

When the tax organ investigates into the affiliated transactions, the enterprise and its affiliated parties, as well as other enterprises in relation to the affiliated transactions under investigation, shall, according to the related provisions, provide the related materials.

第四十四条 企业不提供与其关联方之间业务往来资料,或者提供虚假、不完整资料,未能真实反映其关联业务往来情况的,税务机关有权依法核定其应纳税所得额。
Article 44 In case any enterprise refuses to submit the materials on transactions which happened between it and its affiliated parties, or provides any false or incomplete material, on the basis of which the true information about the affiliated transactions cannot be reflected, the tax organ may determine upon check its taxable income amount.

第四十五条 由居民企业,或者由居民企业和中国居民控制的设立在实际税负明显低于本法第四条第一款规定税率水平的国家(地区)的企业,并非由于合理的经营需要而对利润不作分配或者减少分配的,上述利润中应归属于该居民企业的部分,应当计入该居民企业的当期收入。
Article 45 As regards an enterprise which is set up in a country (region) where the actual tax burden is apparently lower than the tax rate as prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the present Law by a resident enterprise or controlled by an resident enterprise or by a Chinese resident, in case it fails to distribute the profits or decreases the distribution not by virtue of reasonable business operations, the portion of the aforesaid profits attributable to this resident enterprise shall be included in its incomes of the current period.

第四十六条 企业从其关联方接受的债权性投资与权益性投资的比例超过规定标准而发生的利息支出,不得在计算应纳税所得额时扣除。
Article 46 As regards an enterprise's interest expenditures for any credit investments and equity investments accepted from its affiliated parties, in excess of the prescribed criterion, the enterprise may not deduct them when calculating the taxable income amount.

第四十七条 企业实施其他不具有合理商业目的的安排而减少其应纳税收入或者所得额的,税务机关有权按照合理方法调整。
Article 47 In case an enterprise makes any other arrangement not for any reasonable commercial purpose, which causes the decrease of its taxable revenue or income, the tax organ may, through a reasonable method, make an adjustment.

第四十八条 税务机关依照本章规定作出纳税调整,需要补征税款的,应当补征税款,并按照国务院规定加收利息。
Article 48 In case the tax organ makes an adjustment to a tax payment pursuant to the provisions in this Chapter so that it is necessary to recover the tax payment in arrears, it shall do so and charge an additional interest according to the provisions of the State Council.

第七章 征收管理
Chapter VII Administration of Tax Levy

第四十九条 企业所得税的征收管理除本法规定外,依照《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》的规定执行。
Article 49 The administration for levying enterprise income taxes shall be subject to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administering Tax Levy in addition to the present Law.

第五十条 除税收法律、行政法规另有规定外,居民企业以企业登记注册地为纳税地点;但登记注册地在境外的,以实际管理机构所在地为纳税地点。
Article 50 The tax payment place of a resident enterprise shall be its registration place unless it is otherwise provided for in any tax law or administrativeregulation. But in case its registration place is outside the territory of China, the tax payment place shall be the place at the locality of its actual management organ.

As regards a resident enterprise which has set up operational organs without legal person status inside the territory of China, it shall, on a consolidated basis, calculate and pay its enterprise income taxes.

  • conform [kən´fɔ:m] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.(使)一致;(使)符合 四级词汇
  • calculation [,kælkju´leiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.计算;考虑,预料 四级词汇
  • confirmation [,kɔnfə´meiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.证实;证据;确认 四级词汇
  • incomplete [,inkəm´pli:t] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不完全的,未完成的 六级词汇
  • equity [´ekwiti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.公平;公正 六级词汇
  • deduct [di´dʌkt] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.扣除;演绎(推理) 六级词汇
  • registration [,redʒi´streiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.登记(证);挂号 六级词汇
  • administrative [əd´ministrətiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.管理的,行政的 四级词汇
  • status [´steitəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.身份;情形;状况 四级词汇
