

Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, is a city of visual contrasts where the glitterati(上层人士)rub shoulders with(与......接触、并肩)the ghetto(犹太人区). Aptly described by the Ministry of Tourism as "The City that would Not Die", bombed out Beirut is on the rebuild. Liberally sprinkled with cyber cafes, jazz clubs and opulent(富裕、繁华的)shopping districts, it also struggles to fit in the endless stream of refugees befuddled by 17 years of civil war. Perhaps this is why Beirut has grown to be the most liberated and hedonistic(快乐主义的)city in the Arab world.
Before you begin your sightseeing trip in this city, it may be important to remember Beirut is retrieving its treasures from the rubbles left behind by 17 years of civil war. Much of the ancient historical" title="a.历史(上)的">historical monuments have been destroyed by bombardment and fire. The Lebanese(黎巴嫩人)hold the belief close to their hearts that the city will be as beautiful as she was after the rebuilding is complete.

The National Museum in Beirut houses an impressive collection of archaeological(考古学的) artifacts, statuettes(小雕像) and sarcophagi(石棺)from pre historic times in Lebanon to present. The American University Museum has a fine collection of Phoenician(腓尼基人)glass and Arab coins. The Sursock Museum, which is housed in a beautiful old house, holds regular exhibitions of modern paintings, sculptures and old manuscripts. Besides, it's worthwhile stopping to visit the Pigeons grottoes(岩穴)and the archaeological sites of ancient ruins in the central district of the city. For the nature loving and the aesthetic tourist, the Bcharre and the Kadisha Gorge are amongst the most picturesque(独特的) spots of Lebanon. Bcharre is the birthplace of the famous poet, Kahlil Gibran.

  • lebanon [´leibənən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.黎巴嫩 六级词汇
  • rebuild [,ri:´bild] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.重建;改造 四级词汇
  • birthplace [´bə:θpleis] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.出生地;故乡 四级词汇
