


爱水如蓝 入口

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align="center">--------心得旅程:时间为序,空间为跋, 也是活着的探索:太深,太远,太多的光华。

秋日的私语感动了谁,天上飘着岁月的咖啡,那是谁掉的谁的蓝色眼泪。我不会品酒,但是知道酒醉了谁. 暗夜的玫瑰芬芳着记忆的灰,独独的咖啡杯对着夜光垂泪,不愿意被撩人的夜风吹。心,随风漫漫征程,看过了一山又一水的风景,游历了人世间的真实与梦境。不知道从哪里开始,又从哪里结束,但也许从没有开始,也没有结束,只要心还活着。

Murmuring voice of the fall moved someone to water ones tears which was maybe years coffee. I've no taste of wine, but I knew who was all liquored up. Roses in night embalms ashes of memory; lonely coffee cup

is tearing with no sense of being disturbed by winsome breeze. Your heart, made a livelong travel with night winds, enjoying landscape and reality and dreams of the world. Where to be from and where to be down, however, maybe no beginning, or no ending, if only you're living.


Since love is the most romantic 、the deepest and the most tenuous poem, we are from here and end from some where unknown.


If some day , the love comes to you slightly, how do you face? What you've done is to be perseverant without any hesitation, or lay whose soul on the opsite side of restriction, face to face from far way , wallow in each other's grief, or else have your soft spot in the deepest, and rail the love into somewhere to be fired all by a great fire.


If you've sunk down , nothing to be worthy of astonishment, for if a moth don't fly to the fire, with a duration It still end by a fire of the fire of wish. So nothing blame attached to you, because there're originally many exclamation points, and no one can make clear whether he 's the best one or not。


If you've sunk down , being hurt, nothing signify. Turn about , shut the door, let the music smooth your pain, get wind and showers washed your sadness away. When the day breaks , you'll have anther world.


If you've retreated, been back, been hurt, still nothing pain? You should seek to some things unknown if no answer. whether the direction is right or not, with a sad or happy end, you're definite to select. What of them? All the fragrances here are unique but the past, and there're endless unknown corners to wait for those advancing. No one can live for love all the time, if so, it just like all the dreams come to the world which will be fearful.


Rather a legend than repeating here, since time and space have never been again, why are you so devoted to seek for the vanished trace. So many men passing along, maybe what you're finding have already been marked away, and only your heart left in some corner sunless.



When you're tired, just relax beside the way, add a ladle of clean water to the empty glass, and append some solid food in your wizened traveling bag. Enjoy winds and rain-the music you carry about, and you've been the background of the flowing flowing clouds and smooth water unconsciously. Come naturally ,and back the same way



配乐:心的旅程 (苏格兰风笛)



在初恋的受伤之后,这首曲子成了我夜晚的安眠曲, 那段刻骨铭心的经历让我解读了一点生活,更加平静的去面对一切,真正走过了,所以更加珍惜生活,更加懂得去把握真诚。我最终相信生活大体是美好的,只要不把自己关在自己的囚笼里重复着让自己来过。悲伤也是一种生活赋予的美,也愈发显得快乐的重要。

最后由 抚琴听风 于 2006-10-09 22:58 编辑


文章标签:爱情  解读  
