





say something anyway......


Say something anyway


Some say hearts

Grow silent

In a world where no one cares

Love keep slipping away

Some say time

Is the healer

But in a house where no one speaks

love keep slipping away


Tell me

Why do we fight when we know it's all wrong

Why do we play that same old song

Is it just because

We're lonely


Love me, love me

But don't be sorry

Help me, chase the shadows away

Love me, love me

When you've got nothing to say

Say something anyway


Some say tears

Run dry but

In my heart I've cried forever

Only you can take it away


Tell me

Why do we fight when we know it's all wrong

Why can't we see what's going on

Is it just because

We're lonely


Love me, love me

But don't be sorry

Help me, chase the shadows away

Love me, love me

When you've got nothing to say

Say something anyway


Anything to break the ice

Anything at all

Anything to break the ice

Anything at all

Love me, love me

But don't be sorry


(Oh), love me, love me

But don't be sorry

Help me, chase the shadows away (the shadows away)

Love me, love me

When you've got nothing to say (you've got nothing to say)

Say something anyway

Help me chase the shadows away

Love me, love me

When you've got nothing to say

Say something anyway.....

Bellefire来自爱尔兰,她们的音乐风格与the corss乐队有几分相似,但少了爱尔兰传统的音乐元素,多了轻松俏皮的爱尔兰流行乐,成为爱尔兰流行乐中一个出色的女子组合。

专辑名称: Spin the Wheel

专辑歌手: Bellefire

专辑风格: Pop

唱片公司: Wea International

发行时间: 2004年09月21日

时下许多组合轰动一时、稍瞬即逝,能有这样的一队女子组和出道至今仍对音乐怀有莫大的期盼,实在是广大乐迷所希望看到的。来自爱尔兰的西岸的姐妹Cathy Newell (21岁)和Ciara Newell (20岁),再加上出身于爱尔兰音乐温床Sligo的Kelly Kilfeather (24岁),组成了这队让人眼前一亮的爱尔兰三人少女组合Bellefire。刚出道是,人们常把她们与The Corrs (可儿乐队)相提并论。她们既有天分又有才华,且明亮照人,是当今乐坛上难得一间的实力偶像派组合。

她们组队已有4年了,原本有四位成员。Ciara和Kelly在一个爱尔兰的选星秀里一见如故,连同Cathy,第二天以三人合唱团的姿态出现在选拔赛中引起了比赛策划人的注意。于是,2000年再加上另一女歌手Tara,这四人女子组和正式签约维京唱片公司(Virgin),首发的两首单曲都打入英国榜的前20位;她们翻唱U2乐队的《All I Want Is You》在爱尔兰也有近双白金的销量。2001年,他们还作为同乡的爱尔兰组合Westlife的演唱嘉宾跟随他们进行巡回演出,反应热烈。2003年他们里看了维京唱片公司,Tara也决定投身到她真正向往的时装界。

与以前的专辑相比,2004年09月发行的专辑《Spin the Wheel》更突显这三人在音乐造诣上经多番磨练后所散发出的一股全新的成熟韵味。专辑里流淌着让人久听不厌的流行旋律,现代与古典的和谐结合。《Spin the Wheel》一曲没有用太多爱尔兰传统乐器,释放出更多明亮欢快的流行音乐元素;三个年轻女歌手正走出The Corrs的阴影,成为具有其独特音乐风格的女子组合。Kelly概述这专辑的创作初衷"如今的流行音乐舍本逐末。若某人用了某种音乐模式,则人人都效仿。但好的歌曲永不过时,我们就希望这张专辑有经久不衰的音乐,有经历十年仍为我们所热衷演唱的歌曲。"

Say Something Anyway 出自于这张专辑,曾获得《亚洲中心榜》第二期榜单《亚洲中心榜》欧美榜单冠军。

最后由 甜甜圈ceci 于 2006-08-08 17:29 编辑

