







Life Is Wonderful

Life STILL Wonderful......


Life Is Wonderful

It takes a crane to build a crane

It takes two floors to make a story

It takes an egg to make a hen

It takes a hen to make an egg

There is no end to what I'm saying

It takes a thought to make a word

And it takes some words to make an action

It takes some work to make it work

It takes some good to make it hurt

It takes some bad for satisfaction

La la la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful

Al la la la la

It takes a night to make it dawn

And it takes a day to make you yawn brother

And it takes some old to make you young

It takes some cold to know the sun

It takes the one to have the other

And it takes no time to fall in love

But it takes you years to know what love is

It takes some fears to make you trust

It takes those tears to make it rust

It takes the dust to have it polished

Ha la la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle

Ah la la la la la la life is so full of

Ah la la la la la la life is so rough

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle

Ah la la la la la la life is our love

Ah la la la la la

It takes some silence to make sound

It takes a loss before you found it

And it takes a road to go nowhere

It takes a toll to make you care

It takes a hole to make a mountain

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle

Ha la la la la la life is wonderful

Ha la la la la la life is meaningful

Ha la la la la la life is wonderful

Ha la la la la la life it is...so... wonderful

It is so meaningful

It is so wonderful

It is meaningful

It is wonderful

It is meaningful

It goes full circle



Full circle


从03年的一首《The Remedy》到今年发行的这张《MR.A-Z》,Jason Mraz再次向人们展示了他非凡的音乐才华。新专辑中的开场曲目《Life Is Wonderful》旋律清淡,高潮那段''Lalala~''让人印象深刻,它的歌词也让我觉得挺有意思:

It takes a crane to bulit a crane

It takes two floors to make a story

It takes an egg to make a hen

It takes a hen to make an egg

There is no end to what I'm saying ......


Mayer究竟孰优孰劣,并说他的Live表演简直是此乐只有天上有的独一无二精彩演出,你开始好奇的想好好认识这个现在美国乐坛少见的天才型流行/民谣创作歌手Jason Mraz。

来自维吉尼亚朴实小镇,长得眉清目秀乍看有些休葛兰影子的Jason现年26岁,音乐生涯的蒙者是也来自维吉尼亚的两大美式传统摇滚大角The Agents

of Good Root和大卫马修乐团(Dave Matthews



最后由 甜甜圈ceci 于 2006-10-03 20:18 编辑

