








what can i do (the corrs)

i haven't slept at all in days

it's been so long since we've talked

and i have been here many times

i just don't know what i'm doing wrong

what can i do to make you love me

what can i do to make you care

what can i say to make you feel this

what can i do to get you there

there's only so much i can take

and i just got to let go

and who knows i might feel better, yeah

if i don't try and i don't hope

what can i do to make you love me

what can i do to make you care

what can i say to make you feel this

what can i do to get you there

no more waiting, no more, aching

no more fighting, no more, trying...

maybe there's nothing more to say

and in a funny way i'm calm

because the power is not mine

i'm just going to let it fly...

what can i do to make you love me

what can i do to make you care

what can i say to make you feel this

what can i do to get you there

what can i do to make you love me

what can i do to make you care

what can i say to make you feel this

what can i do to get you there

and love me...love me....love me..

fade out

The Corrs 专辑 Home 简介:

来自爱尔兰的The Corrs可儿家族,是由大哥Jim(吉他/键盘)、大姐Sharon(小提琴)、二姐Caroline(鼓)及小妹Andrea(主唱/锡笛)所组成的乐团。

  1995年可儿家族发行首张专辑《Forgiven Not Forgotten》,在祖国爱尔兰拥有九白金销售量并打败U2、小红莓、男孩特区合唱团名列爱尔兰销售量最佳的首张专辑;'97年由Glen Ballard (艾拉妮丝莫莉塞特专辑制作人)所制作的《Talk On Corners》,除了在全球15个国家获得白金及其他9个国家获得金唱片的纪录外,还创造出"Dreams"、"So Young"、"What Can I Do"等畅销曲,史无前例在英国专辑榜待了2年之久,更因此获得全英音乐奖"最佳国际团体",世界音乐奖"爱尔兰最佳销售乐团"的殊荣,Q杂志更将此张专辑选为"史上最快乐的专辑"之一。

  '99年底,The Corrs以不插电方式发行了《Unplugged》专辑,迄今也有超过250万的销售量的佳绩。2000年的《In Blue》,除了获得全球18国专辑榜冠军,更是全欧洲2000年销售量最好的乐团专辑,也荣获第43届葛莱美奖最佳流行演唱团体("Breathless")、最佳流行演奏曲("Rebel Heart")2项提名。

