
  Lance Armstrong tackles new discipline


  NEW YORK - Right around the corner from Trump Tower, Lance Armstrong jogged1 across Madison Avenue during rush hour, dodging a police motorcade speeding to the United Nations, a bicyclist delivering Chinese takeout and two women in heels scrambling for the bus.


  {2}A crowded, hectic4 setting in midtown Manhattan, much like what he'll see in 6 1/2 weeks when he runs his first New York City Marathon. He thinks he can finish within one hour of the winner, and has done 6 1/2-minute miles in training.


  {3}But for all 26.2 miles?


  {4}"It's been harder physically than I expected," the seven-time Tour de France winner said. "Just the pounding. The aches and pains associated with running. My hips, joints. Running is an impact sport, certainly as opposed to cycling."


  {5}"The longest run I've done, I think is 13," he said. "I better do a longer one soon. Probably not a bad idea."


  {6}Armstrong is ready for something that will last well past the marathon - questions about whether he ever used performance-enhancing drugs.

  {6}阿姆斯特朗也准备应对马拉松比赛结束后还会存在的事情 --- 关于他是否曾使用过兴奋剂的问题。

  {7}Drug use has been a hot-button issue in all sports, especially cycling of late. Recent Tour de France winner Floyd Landis tested positive for elevated testosterone and suspended American cyclist Tyler Hamilton is facing a new doping investigation.


  {8}Armstrong, instead, has vehemently refuted each allegation, either in the press or the courts.


  {9}"My impression is that people, or fans, or people potentially on the fence, they like it when you come out and fight. They like it when you say, 'No, no, no, you got it wrong, this is what is right' and you lay out the facts, again," he said.


  {10}"It's like our approach has been with these bozos that try to get sideways. We sue 'em," he said. "And we win every time."



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  • manhattan [mæn´hætən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.曼哈顿 四级词汇
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