

1. What part of a watch is always old?

2. Why is a river rich?

3. What country is useful at meatime?

4. Which runs faster, heat(热) or cold?

5. Which is the strongest of the week?

6. Why is the letter "D" like a bad boy?

7. Why is the letter "T" like an island?

8. What is the most important thing in the world?

9. What kind of table has no legs?

10. What room can no one enter?

Key: 1. The second hand. second hand 也为"旧货"、"二手货"。

2. Because it has two banks. bank"河岸",也意为"银行"。

3.China. 小写 china表示"瓷器"。

4.Heat. Because you can catch a cold. catch a cold本义为"抓住冷",实际为"患感冒"。

5.Sunday. Because the other days are weekdays. (week与weak "弱"的同音。)

6.Because D makes mad(疯狂).

7.Because T is in the middle of water.

8.The letter E. Because E is the first in everything and everybody.


10.A mushroom(蘑菇)。