
Module 3 Research
Unit1 I’m looking for information.
1.Vocabulary: look for,information,bought,keyboard,monitor,laser printer,mouse,library,video,CD-ROM,library card,return,made.
2.Function: have/has +past participle
there +be
3.Language:Mum has bought a new computer for us.Amy’s got a new computer.There are some books over there.
4.Developing the children's ability to listen,read,write and speak.
Importances and difficulties: have/has +past participle
Aids:a recorder, pictures,a multimedia computer.
Teaching of process:
1. Sing a song:We walked and walked.
2. Make a dialogue.
Eg:What have you done today?
Has he cleaned the car?
Step2.Presentation :
1.Look,listen and learn.
A.Show a computer,teach them.
This is a computer/keyboard/monitor/printer/laser printer/mouse,and it’s very lovely /nice/big…
B.Look and say.
Work in groups/pairs.
C.Listen to the tape & point to books .
D.Teach new words:
(Show a multimedia computer)library,video,CD- ROM,library card, (TPR) look for,information,bought,return,made.
E . Read after the tape 2 or 3 times.
F.Make sentences:
There be…
have /has…
2.Act it out.
A.Play the cassette,listen and repeat.
B.Divide the class into 4 sections.Give each section a role in the conversation.
C.The whole class act the dialogue,with each group saying the corresponding text.
D.The children now act out the dialogue in small groups. Remind them to point to the corresponding pictures as they do so.
3.Look and say.
A.Call a pupil to say.
B.Look and say.
C.Drill in pairs.
1. Practice on Activity Books .
2.Game :Spell in pairs.
look for,information,bought,keyboard,monitor,laser printer,mouse,library,video,CD- ROM,library card,return,made.
3.Game:Listen and match.
computer nice
monitor big
priter beautiful
keyboard small
mouse powerful
1.Copy the new words.
1)Amy has got a new computer.It has got______,______,_____,____.
2)---Can I help you?
3)I’m looking for __________ about computers.
1)got It’s a monitor big
2)some are books There here

3)us Mum bought a has new for computer

4)to the go Let’s library


Unit2 Where can you find out about science?
2.Function: where+ can+subject+find out about
3.Language:Where can you find out about science?
4.Developing the children's ability to listen,read ,write and speak.
Importances and difficulties: Where can you find out about science?
Aids:a recorder,pictures.
Teaching of process:
1. Sing a song:We walked and walked.
2. Game:Spell the words.
look for,information,bought,keyboard,monitor,laser printer,mouse,library,video,CD- ROM,library card,return,made.
3. Game:Make a dialogue.
This is a/an…It’s got…
Step2.Presentation :
1.Listen and point.Then listen and write.
A.Teach new words.
B.Ask and answer.
Where can you find out about…?
In/On/At a…
C.Play the game in groups/pairs.
2.Now point,ask and answer.
A.Call some pupils to ask and answer.
B.Act it out.Then say.
C.Play the game in groups.
Step3. Extension
1.Practice on Activity Books .
2.Ask and answer.
Where can you find out about…?
In/On/At a…
3.Game:Hide and Seek.
4.Listen and Write.
1)I can find out about the ______ in a newspaper.
2) I can find out about train time _______ a station.
3) I can find out about ______ in a
  • computer [kəm´pju:tə] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.计算机;电子计算器   (初中英语单词)
  • ability [ə´biliti] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.(办事)能力;才干   (初中英语单词)
  • remind [ri´maind] 移动到这儿单词发声  vt.提醒;使记(想)起   (初中英语单词)
  • monitor [´mɔnitə] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.班长 v.监控;检查   (初中英语单词)
  • saying [´seiŋ, ´sei-iŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.言语;言论;格言   (高中英语单词)
  • extension [ik´stenʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.延长;扩展;延期   (高中英语单词)
  • corresponding [,kɔri´spɔndiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.符合的;相当的   (英语四级单词)