
在法国总统奥朗德(Francois Hollande)与另一女人有染的说法曝光后,奥朗德的女友住进了医院。特里耶韦莱(Valerie Trierweiler)的发言人比安科内(Patrice Biancone)周日说,在上周五得知这一消息后,特里耶韦莱住进了医院,她目前正在休息,做一些检查。比安科内说,她上周五住的院,预计周一能出院。

President François Hollande's girlfriend was hospitalized following the publication of allegations about the French leader's relationship with another woman.

法国周刊《靠近》(Closer)上周五报道说,奥朗德曾经多次离开他和特里耶韦莱居住的爱丽舍宫(Elysee Palace),到法国演员朱莉·葛耶(Julie Gayet)的住处过夜。这家杂志后来因担心遭到起诉而撤下了这篇文章,但坚持认为其报道是准确的。

Valérie Trierweiler was admitted to a hospital 'to rest and undergo some tests following the difficult news she learned on Friday,' said Patrice Biancone, Ms Trierweiler's spokesman on Sunday. Mr. Biancone said she entered the hospital Friday and was expected to leave Monday.


French weekly magazine Closer on Friday published an account of what it alleged were nocturnal trips made by Mr. Hollande from the Élysée Palace, where Mr. Hollande and Ms. Trierweiler live, to the home of French actress Julie Gayet. The magazine later pulled the story from its website, citing litigation risks, although it said it stood by the accuracy of its report.


Mr. Hollande said Friday that he 'profoundly deplores these violations of private life to which anyone is entitled as a citizen.' An official at the French presidency declined to comment on Sunday. Ms. Gayet hasn't responded to requests for comment.

奥朗德与前女友、法国社会党(Socialist) 2007年总统候选人罗亚尔(Segolene Royal)有四个孩子。

When Mr. Hollande took office in May 2012, he moved into the Élysée Palace with Ms. Trierweiler. She holds status there akin to that of a first lady, accompanying him on state visits. The palace's website contains a profile of Ms. Trierweiler, presenting her as Mr. Hollande's 'companion.'


Mr. Hollande has four children with his previous partner, 2007 Socialist presidentialcandidate Ségolène Royal.

法国《星期日报》(Le Journal de Dimanche)的一项调查显示,对于奥朗德私生活受到的指责,法国公众基本上不为所动。据上周五和周六进行的一项调查表明,77%的受访者认为这属于私事。

The allegations about Mr. Hollande's private life came just days before he was scheduled to hold a major news conference in which he is expected to lay out a more pro-business policy as he seeks to breathe life into his presidency.