
微软(Microsoft)的投资者可能会感到失望,因为福特汽车(Ford Motor)首席执行长穆拉利(Alan Mulally)不会前来相救。更令人担心的是,寻找微软新老板的漫长过程暴露出微软高层对于谁该执掌大权似乎存在分歧。穆拉利宣布他计划留在福特汽车,受此消息拖累,微软股价周三跌了近2%。去年12月13日,市场也出现过类似的反应,当时另外一位外界猜测的人选、高通公司(Qualcomm)总裁莫伦科普夫(Steve Mollenkopf)不会加盟微软一事明朗化。

Microsoft investors may be disappointed that Ford Motor chief Alan Mulally won't be riding to their rescue. More worrying is how the long search for Microsoft's next boss has exposed what seem to be divisions at the top about who should be running things.

穆拉利的举动尤其值得注意。很多华尔街和科技媒体界的人士实际上已认定他是最佳人选。预审批期间的宣传显示,微软董事会中的一些成员持这种看法。但微软联合创始人、董事长盖茨(Bill Gates)去年11月在该公司年度大会上强烈暗示,他正在寻找一位拥有很强科技背景的领导人,这似乎排除了像穆拉利这样的人成为微软掌门的可能。

Mr. Mulally's announcement that he plans to stay at the car maker sent Microsoft's stock down nearly 2% on Wednesday. The market reacted similarly on Dec. 13, when it became clear Qualcomm President Steve Mollenkopf, another rumored contender, wouldn't be going to Microsoft.

任何新首席执行长的选定都可能需要获得盖茨的同意。此外,无论谁当首席执行长,都将向包括盖茨和鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)在内的董事会汇报工作。盖茨和鲍尔默这两位前首席执行长都有着强烈的个性和自己的愿景。

Mr. Mulally's move is especially noteworthy. Many on Wall Street and in technology media had essentially anointed him as the favored candidate. The drumbeat of preapproval suggests some on Microsoft's board held this view. But co-founder and Chairman Bill Gates hinted strongly at the company's annual meeting in November that he was seeking a leader with a strong technical background, seeming to nix the possibility of someone such as Mr. Mulally.


It is unlikely that any new chief would be selected without Mr. Gates's blessing. And whoever it is will report to a board that includes Mr. Gates and Steve Ballmer, two ex-CEOs with strong personalities and visions of their own.


Dan Gallagher