
国际商业机器公司(International Business Machines Corp., 简称IBM)将为其超级计算机沃森(Watson)设立一个业务部门,并启动一只1亿美元的风险投资基金以激励更多相关应用的开发,该公司寻求通过这些举措加快沃森的商用。IBM称,这只风投基金是公司针对新的沃森业务部门逾10亿美元投资计划的一部分。IBM计划将这个新部门从目前的几百人扩大为超过2,000人。计划新招聘的员工许多将为销售人员和帮助顾客设计沃森应用的咨询人员。

International Business Machines Corp. is creating a business unit for its Watson supercomputer and starting a $100 million venture-capital fund to spur more apps built on the technology, a bid to accelerate the promising system's slow transformation into a big business.

IBM负责沃森业务的高级副总裁Michael Rhodin称,我们现在将进入一个可谓是迅速扩张的阶段。

The venture fund is part of a more-than-$1 billioninvestment IBM will make into the new Watson unit, which IBM plans to grow to more than 2,000 people, from several hundred today, the company said. Many of the new hires will be salespeople and consultants to help clients devise ways to use Watson.

距离沃森打败美国智力游戏节目《Jeopardy》两位冠军已过去三年,但IBM将沃森发展成一条可销售的软件产品线的努力一直不太顺利。《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)周三的一篇头版文章报道称,沃森业务的收入远逊于该公司雄心勃勃的目标水平。

'We are now moving into more of a rapid expansion phase,' said Michael Rhodin, an IBM senior vice president who will lead the unit.

根据《华尔街日报》看到的2013年10月份一次电话会议的记录,IBM首席执行长罗睿兰(Virginia "Ginni" Rometty)曾表示,她希望十年内沃森的年收入能够达到100亿美元。她是在听到负责沃森业务的高管表示到2018年计划使沃森年收入提高到10亿美元后定下这个目标的。根据上述会议的记录,截至去年10月底沃森的总收入不到1亿美元。

The announcement comes as IBM is having difficulty turning Watson into a salable line of software three years after the machine defeated two 'Jeopardy!' champions on TV. The Wall Street Journal in a page-one article Wednesday reported that Watson's revenue is far from the company's ambitious targets.


IBM Chief Executive Virginia 'Ginni' Rometty has said she hopes Watson will generate $10 billion in annualrevenue within 10 years, according to the transcript of an October 2013 conference call reviewed by the Journal. She set that target after the executive in charge of Watson projected it would bring in $1 billion of revenue a year by 2018. Watson had recorded total revenue of less than $100 million as of late October, according to the transcript.


The company won't disclosefinancial information for the Watson unit, which Mr. Rhodin said would remain part of IBM's business analytics software portfolio. IBM last year projected the analytics unit would grow to $20 billion in revenue by 2015, up from a previous $16 billion target.

但这些软件的开发可能需要数年时间,并且目前与IBM最近以20亿美元收购的云云计算供应商SoftLayer Technologies的数据中心技术并不兼容。而且IBM尚未寻找出沃森的业务模式。IBM可以对该软件进行授权,或者对使用一系列的沃森数字"顾问"的公司收取一笔费用。该公司还在探索共享客户新收入或者成本节约成果的方式。

IBM is looking to revive growth after six straight quarters of revenue declines. Company executives, led by Ms. Rometty, see Watson's smart software as a valuable tool to answer tough problems. The company is building versions of Watson that can comb through studies and patient records to determine the optimal treatment for a particular cancer, or examine a customer's portfolio and recommend an investment strategy.


But the software can take years to develop, and doesn't work with SoftLayer Technologies Inc., the cloud-computing provider IBM recently bought for $2 billion. Moreover, IBM has yet to figure out a business model for Watson. IBM may license the software or charge companies a fee to access a series of digital Watson 'advisers.' It is also exploring ways to share in a client's results, such as new revenue or cost savings.


'We've made incredible progress,' said Mr. Rhodin. 'There is lots more to do.'

沃森业务的另一部分开始于去年秋季,独立的软件开发人员可以编写沃森"应用",类似于那些用于智能手机和平板电脑的应用。IBM可以从开发者的收入中提取一部分分成,很像苹果(Apple Inc.)应用商店的做法。

As part of Thursday's announcement, IBM said it is rolling out two new digital Watson advisers: one helps companies draw insights from mountains of digital data, and the other creates graphical visualizations of data. The company said it would also launch a 'Digital Life' service online so consumers can experiment with Watson to, for example, build an app that suggests recipes based on a person's dietary restrictions.


Another effort, begun last fall, allows independent software developers to write Watson 'apps,' much like those for smartphones and tablets. IBM might take a cut of the developers' revenue, much as Apple Inc. does with its app store.

旧金山电子商务咨询和软件开发公司Fluid Inc.希望使用沃森建立一个应用,消费者将可以通过这个应用在一个零售网站上提出问题,就像他们在实体商店问售货员问题一样。该公司首席执行长Kent Deverell称,这个应用可以帮助顾客更容易找到他们需要的商品从而推动销售增长。但Fluid仍然需求完成这个应用并找到使用它的零售商。

More than 750 people and businesses have contacted IBM about working with Watson, the company said. IBM is assessing the proposals. The venture fund could attract startups to the Watson ecosystem and help them build their businesses faster, said Mr. Rhodin.


Fluid Inc., a San Francisco e-commerce consultant and software developer, hopes to build an app using Watson that would let consumers ask questions on a retailer's website, as they would with a sales associate in a store. Fluid CEO Kent Deverell says the app could help people to more easily find the products they need and prompt more sales. But Fluid still needs to finish the app, and find retailers to use it.

Spencer E. Ante