
The holidays are a time for relaxing, helping the less fortunate, showering family and friends with love and attention -- and, sometimes, for smiling and nodding through unsolicited stock tips from an overbearing relative who has been sampling the eggnog.



But good advice can make careers and forever change lives for the better. So The Wall Street Journal asked an array of prominent people who manage, invest, study and write about money to share the single best piece of financial advice they ever received -- or gave.



The respondents included investors who collectively have earned billions of dollars for clients and themselves; founders and owners of businesses that are household names; and Nobel laureates who shaped the world's understanding of the forces that drive the stock market.

罗伯特·席勒(Robert Shiller),2013年诺贝尔经济学奖得主,耶鲁大学(Yale University)教授

我获得的最佳建议,是我在麻省理工学院(MIT)的博士论文导师、后来和我一起写书的弗兰科·莫迪加里亚尼(Franco Modigliani),在20世纪80年代初期非常接近市场底部的时候给我的买入信号。

A leading federal judge who has presided over cases related to the financialcrisis shared his thoughts, as did an agent who has negotiated some of the most lucrative contracts in the history of sports and an adviser who helps clients recover financially after a divorce.

尽管当时的常规学院派思维是投资应当更加分散化,我还是把自己的投资组合几乎百分之百地配置为价值型股票,直到世纪之交、1999年左右的时候才开始大规模地撤出,只是不记得具体是什么时候了。我非常仔细地阅读了他和理查德·科恩(Richard Cohn)1979年发表在《金融分析师期刊》(Financial Analysts Journal)上的论文《通货膨胀、合理估值与市场》(Inflation, Rational Valuation and the Market)。论文的结论是股市被低估了50%。

实际上这个幅度也是低估了。从1982年到2000年,标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)涨了大约20倍的样子。这条投资建议还为我创造了另外一个奇迹,因为它启发我写了《股价过度波动能根据其后的股利变化进行解释吗?》(Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to Be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends?)一文。这篇文章1981年发表在《美国经济评论》(American Economic Review)上,在诺奖"科学背景"(Scientific Background)里面被重点提及。

In most cases, the recommendations are easy to follow today. Some reflectconventional wisdom, while some fly in its face. Not every tidbit is consistent with all the others. The responses, some of which were edited for clarity, appear below.


斯科特·博拉斯(Scott Boras),职业体育经纪人,Boras Corp.创始人

But first, a word of caution: Like all advice, it should be weighed soberly -- ideally, at a good distance from the eggnog.


威廉·伯恩斯坦(William Bernstein),神经病学家,资产管理公司Efficient Frontier Advisors投资经理

Robert Shiller, Nobel laureate in economics (2013) and professor at Yale University

我获得的最佳理财建议来自弗雷德·施韦德(Fred Schwed)1940年首次出版的经典书籍《客户的游艇在哪里》(Where Are the Customers' Yachts)。施韦德写道:"文学无法完全地传达人生丰富的情感经历,也无法完全传达失去大笔金钱的那种味道。艺术无法向一位不谙世事的女孩传达为人妻为人母的真正感觉。无论是用言语还是用图像,有些事情是无法向处男处女解释清楚的。我在这本书里可能给出的任何描述,甚至都无法大致地形容丢掉你曾经拥有的实实在在的一大笔金钱是什么样的感觉。"


The best advice I ever got was the buy signal from my dissertation adviser at MIT and later co-author, Franco Modigliani, very close to the bottom of the market in the early 1980s.

米歇尔·史密斯(Michelle Smith),Source Financial Advisors首席执行长,富人离婚理财规划专家


I put virtually [all] my portfolio 100% into value stocks then, even though the conventionalacademicwisdom was then that one should be more diversified. I didn't start taking it out substantially until sometime around the turn of the century, around 1999, though I don't remember exactly. I read very carefully his paper with [Richard] Cohn published in the Financial Analysts Journal in 1979, 'Inflation, Rational Valuation and the Market.' It concluded that the stock market was 50% undervalued.

约翰·伯格(John C. Bogle),先锋集团(Vanguard Group)创始人


Actually, that was an understatement -- from 1982 to 2000 the S&P 500 total-return index went up something like 20-fold. This investment advice created another miracle for me, for it inspired me to write my article 'Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to Be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends?' published in the [American Economic Review] in 1981 and mentioned prominently in the Scientific Background paper for the Nobel Prize.

比尔·格罗斯(Bill Gross),太平洋投资管理公司(Pimco)联席首席投资长


So Franco's advice not only got me phenomenal returns, it also helped me win the Nobel Prize. You can't get better investment advice than that.

斯科特·亚当斯(Scott Adams),《呆伯特》(Dilbert)创作人,《样样稀松照样赢》(How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big)一书作者


Scott Boras, professional sports agent and founder of Boras Corp.

哈尔·史坦布瑞纳(Hal Steinbrenner),纽约扬基队(New York Yankees)联席董事长


My labor-law professor once told me: Business and money don't breed warm feelings. Ninety-five percent of what people say about you is going to be negative. And remember, that means that you are doing a good job.

杰德·雷科夫(Jed Rakoff),纽约南区联邦地区法官

年满43岁的时候,我向我的导师、前纽约州州长休·凯里(Hugh Carey)的顾问朱达·格里贝茨(Judah Gribetz)吐露心声:我在考虑谋得一个联邦法官职位。他问我:"你给(三个)女儿上大学准备了多少钱?"我承认不是很多。

William Bernstein, neurologist and investmentmanager at money-management firm Efficient Frontier Advisors



The best financial advice I ever got was from Fred Schwed's classic book, 'Where Are the Customers' Yachts?', first published in 1940. Schwed wrote: 'Like all of life's rich emotional experiences, the full flavor of losing important money cannot be conveyed by literature. Art cannot convey to an inexperienced girl what it is truly like to be a wife and mother. There are certain things that cannot be adequately explained to a virgin either by words or pictures. Nor can any description I might offer here even approximate what it feels like to lose a real chunk of money that you used to own.'

查尔斯·施瓦布(Charles Schwab),嘉信理财(Charles Schwab Corp.)董事长


I've never forgotten that. Finance is never, ever, a theoretical exercise; you're never half as detached from portfolio losses as you think you will be.

亚历山德拉·里本萨(Alexandra Lebenthal),资产管理公司Lebenthal Holdings首席执行长


Michelle Smith, chief executive of Source Financial Advisors and a specialist in financial planning for wealthy people going through divorce

乔·曼苏埃托(Joe Mansueto),金融研究公司晨星(Morningstar)首席执行长


My great-grandmother taught me: Don't ever give up your ability to make your own money.



John C. Bogle, founder of Vanguard Group

威廉·夏普(William Sharpe),1990年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者,斯坦福大学(Stanford University)金融学荣誉退休教授

我得到过的最佳建议来自在加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles)读研究生时候的导师阿门·阿尔钦(Armen Alchian):在思考有关市场的问题的时候,要假定价格是通过买方和卖方的互动确定的,每一方都在努力实现自身利益的最大化。我给别人的最佳建议:在证券市场不要期盼免费午餐;广泛分散化,将费用维持在低水平。

The best way to own stocks is to own an index fund.

萨莉·克拉夫切克(Sallie Krawcheck),女性社交网络85 Broads老板,曾任美国银行(Bank of America)和花旗集团(Citigroup)的高管

别人给过我的最佳理财建议,是不要购买你不理解的理财产品,不要从一个无法解释到让你能够理解的人那里买。想想(庞氏骗局策划人)伯纳德·马多夫(Bernard Madoff):没有谁知道他那稳定的回报是怎么来的,但他们都没有质疑,因为稳定的回报是一件多么好的事呀。

Bill Gross, co-chief investment officer of Pimco

莫里斯·"汉克"·格林伯格(Maurice "Hank" Greenberg),Starr Insurance Holdings董事长,曾任美国国际集团(American International Group)董事长

An investor's inner time clock is crucial to getting in and getting out of markets. If the normal cock-a-doodle-doo of the rooster is at 6 a.m., there will be some investors who wake up at just past midnight -- far too early for timing a market bottom or top. And some who wake up at 10 or 11 a.m. like a college student -- far too late. Learn to recognize when your clock generally goes off, and work on getting it to ring at 6 a.m.


理查德·西拉(Richard Sylla),纽约大学(New York University)金融机构与金融市场史教授

Scott Adams, creator of 'Dilbert' and author of 'How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big'


The best financial advice I ever got was 'Price yourself high and see what happens.' Humans aren't good at knowing their market value. When I started doing paid speaking engagements I had no idea how to price myself. A mentor told me to quote an absurdly high price. The client accepted it without hesitation and offered to pay my travel expenses as well. I no longer underprice myself.


Hal Steinbrenner, co-chairman of the New York Yankees


The one thing about money that my dad always instilled in us was to just be straightforward, upfront and honest. Don't play games with people's finances. Some deals are going to happen because of that, and some deals aren't. It's a good way to conduct yourself in life in general, really; there are no downsides.


Jed Rakoff, U.S. District Judge, Southern District of New York


When I turned 43, I confided in one of my mentors, Judah Gribetz (former counsel to New York Gov. Hugh Carey), that I was thinking of pursuing a federal judgeship. He asked me: 'How much have you put away for your (three) daughters' college education?' I admitted it was not much.



He said, 'A judge can't be truly independent if he's always worrying about finances. Don't apply until you've saved enough to put all your kids through college for four years. And don't forget that college costs these days increase at twice the (predicted) inflation rate!'

约翰·罗杰斯(John Rogers),芝加哥投资管理公司Ariel Management董事长

我的篮球教练、(普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)1967年到1996年的首席教练)彼得·卡里尔(Pete Carril)说,你必须首先想到队友。没有任何借口去自私地做事,把自己置于优先于队友的位置。这句话在我的经商生涯中起到了至关重要的作用:关注团队和投资客户的最佳利益,而不是我自己的最佳利益。

It took me another nine years to save up to meet this goal, but when I then applied to be a federal judge, I knew I wouldn't have to worry about anything but doing the job. It was the best investment advice I ever received.


马克·库班(Mark Cuban),达拉斯小牛队(Dallas Mavericks)老板

Charles Schwab, chairman of Charles Schwab Corp.


A friend said to me, Chuck, you're better off being an owner. Go out and start your own business.

拉里·斯威德罗(Larry Swedroe),投资顾问公司Buckingham Asset Management研究主管


Alexandra Lebenthal, chief executive of Lebenthal Holdings, a money-management firm

塞思·克拉曼(Seth Klarman),波士顿对冲基金公司Baupost Group总裁

(生前就职于经纪公司Carr Securities、)2013年去世的好朋友瓦利·卡鲁奇(Wally Carucci)在30年前是我的一个好导师。他送给我一句至理之言:"鸟儿饿了就得喂。"

Read all your statements and prospectuses closely. Don't depend on your adviser to do it for you. Everyone has the responsibility to know what they are investing in.


卡尔·伊坎(Carl Icahn),激进投资者

Joe Mansueto, chief executive of financialresearch firm Morningstar


An investor should think like a business owner, not a renter. Most businesspeople don't get up in the morning and ask whether they should sell their business that day. If they own a pizza shop, they don't think about whether what they really should own is a shoe store instead. They show patience and persistence and try to understand their underlying business better so they can earn the greatest return for the longest period of time.

简·门迪罗(Jane Mendillo),哈佛大学捐赠基金会哈佛管理公司(Harvard Management Co.)首席执行长

"着眼于长远"是别人给过我的最佳建议。如果着眼于长远,你就会看到别人看不到的东西。几乎所有人想的都是接下来一个月、一个季度的事情。曾管理哈佛捐赠基金15年的杰克·梅尔(Jack Meyer)教导我说,当你想到几年甚至几十年后的事情,就会看到其他人可能看不到的创造价值的机会,因此会在今天做出不同的判断。

So investors are in many ways misled by stock-market volatility. The values of the underlying businesses just don't change as quickly as stock prices do. You really don't have to watch those changes hawklike day after day.

Liz Moyer / Jason Zweig / Ryan Wallerson / Liam Pleven / Leslie Scism / Kirsten Grind / David Benoit
