
担起临时运营黑莓(BlackBerry Inc.)重任的程守宗(John S. Chen),曾于危难中拯救了一家科技公司并将其高价出售。他说,这是一个重振信心的过程。

The man being brought in to run BlackBerry Inc. on an interim basis has experience in saving and eventually selling a struggling technology company.

1997年,程守宗加入了正连续四年净亏损的赛贝思公司(Sybase Inc.)。当他离开赛贝思多年以后,他也许还会想起当年研究机构Gartner对公司倒闭概率为70%的预测。1998年,他接任首席执行长(CEO)一职后,改善了业务经营状况,并最终在2010年将公司以58亿美元出售给了SAP,而这一价格是他上任之初公司市值的15倍以上。

He has said it is all about confidence building.


John S. Chen joined Sybase Inc. in 1997, as the company was in the midst of a four-year streak of net losses. He would recall years later as he left Sybase that research firm Gartner Inc. predicted a 70% probability for 'Sybase's death' at the time. After taking over as CEO in 1998, he turned the operations around and eventually sold it for $5.8 billion to SAP in 2010, more than 15 times the market cap when he took over.

程守宗于去年10月份离开了赛贝思和SAP,并随后在从事科技企业收购业务的Silver Lake担任高级顾问。他同时也在华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co., DIS)和富国银行(Wells Fargo & Co., WFC)的董事会各占有一席。黑莓公司周一宣布,程守宗在出任公司临时CEO的同时,也将进入公司董事会。

At BlackBerry, he'll face a similar attitude of defeatism, but may not be looking for a buyer at this point. The company is ending its strategic review after it failed to reach a deal.


Mr. Chen left Sybase and SAP last October and shortly afterward was named a senioradviser to technology buyout shop Silver Lake. He also sits on the boards of The Walt Disney Co. and Wells Fargo. Along with becoming interim CEO, Mr. Chen will join BlackBerry's board, the company announced Monday.


'BlackBerry is an iconic brand with enormouspotential -- but it's going to take time, discipline and tough decisions to reclaim our success,' he said in a statement. 'I look forward to leading BlackBerry in its turnaround and business model transformation for the benefit of all of its constituencies, including its customers, shareholders and employees.'

他在2005年对《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)说道:建立信心至关重要。很多人一上来就谈战略、谈产品,这些的确是很重要的方面。(但是)重拾雇员的信心是最首要的事情。其次是顾客的信心,再次是股东的。必须照着这个顺序做:如果你没有(自信的)员工,顾客就因享受不到好的服务而抛弃你,进而会使股东感到不满。

Mr. Chen has said his turnaround at Sybase was based on rebuilding confidence both inside and outside the company.


'You have to build the confidence,' Mr Chen told WSJ in 2005. 'Most people jump in and talk about strategy, talk about products -- those are important aspects. [But] the most important people whose confidence you need to rebuild is the employees. The second is the customers, then the shareholders. It has to be in that order: If you don't have [confident] employees, the customers will not be well treated, which means they will abandon you, and that will make the shareholders unhappy.'

David Benoit
