

There's good news for laptop buyers in my fall guide this time: The confusing changes in the sagging laptop industry have settled down enough that if you need one, now may be the time to buy one.

尽管触摸屏Windows 8笔记本的价格仍然高达1000美元以上,尤其是那些最为轻薄的款式,但它们似乎也有所降价,而且你也可以找到很多售价600至900美元的产品选择。各家商店已经停止推广大多数较为笨重的融合笔记本与平板电脑的笔记本。

Microsoft and Apple are launching tweaked versions of their operating systems, but they aren't radical changes this time that require a lot of new learning. And Intel has introduced new processors, which greatly enhance laptop battery life on both Windows and Mac models.

简单的说,如果你以前觉得融合两种用户界面的Windows 8让你困惑,那情况还是没有改变。新的改进版操作系统叫Windows 8.1,也是构建在同样的基础设计上。微软仍然把大部分精力放在平板风格的开始界面上,这是为触摸屏优化的,在平板上运行比笔记本更好。

While prices of touch-screen Windows 8 laptops can still surge above $1,000, especially for the thinnest models, they seem to have eased a bit and you can find plenty of choices between $600 and $900. The stores have stopped pushing most of the clumsier tablet-laptop hybrids.


Let me be clear: If you found Windows 8 with its dual user interfaces confusing, you still will. The new, modified version called Windows 8.1 is built on the same fundamental design. And Microsoft is still putting most of its emphasis on the tabletlike Start screen, which works best with a touch screen and much better on a tablet than on a laptop.


But in a concession to rebellious users, the company has made it possible to bypass the Start screen at startup and go right to the familiar Windows desktop-provided you can find the buried setting that permits this.


So here are some tips on what to look for in a laptop this fall. As always, this guide is meant for average users doing typical tasks, not corporate IT staffs, or people doing heavy-duty work like video production.

如果你在意笔记本的电池续航时间,那就找配备英特尔称之为第四代酷睿(Core)处理器的机型。今年6月,我曾测试过最早使用这一芯片的一款笔记本——苹果新款Macbook Air。当时在我的严格电池测试中,新款Air电池续航时间延长了65%,一次充电坚持了超过10个小时。而极为轻薄的索尼Windows 8笔记本坚持了近六个小时。


由于和上一代芯片一样被命名为酷睿i3、i5和i7,因为很难辨别哪些笔记本使用了新一代处理器。但可以看笔记本上是否有重新设计的"Intel Inside"标贴。

If you care about battery life in a laptop, look for what Intel calls its 4th Generation Core processors. Back in June, when I tested one of the first laptops to adopt this chip-Apple's MacBook Air-it racked up a 65% gain in battery life and lasted over 10 hours on a single charge in my harsh battery test. A paper-thin Sony running Windows 8 lasted nearly six hours.


It can be hard to tell which laptops have these new processors since they are still named Core i3, i5 and i7, just like the last generation. Look for a redesigned 'Intel Inside' sticker on the laptop.


Models with the new, battery-boosting chips have a more vertical blue sticker with a gold band across the top edge, as opposed to the older horizontal sticker with a gold band in the middle. Typical users should choose an i5 version.


Windows vs. Mac

Mac从来都不是最便宜的笔记本,999美元起售。而且只有两个系列,外形轻薄的Macbook Air和性能强劲的Macbook Pro。

Unlike Windows vendors, Apple has stuck with standard screens and built its many touch gestures into the large, smooth-running touch pads on its MacBooks.

如果你更喜欢Window 8,寻求多种款式,或是想省钱,那你应当选择Windows笔记本。

As always, Macs aren't the cheapest laptops, starting at $999. And they only come in two lines, the thinner, lighter MacBook Air and the beefier MacBook Pro.

但苹果笔记本性能卓越、可靠、多能,比Windows PC不容易遭受病毒侵袭。苹果新品笔记本都使用了新的第四代英特尔处理器。

If you prefer Windows 8, are looking for variety, or are on a budget, you want a Windows laptop.


But the Macs are excellent, reliable, versatile products and far less susceptible to viruses than Windows PCs. Apple is using the new 4th Generation Intel processors.


The company has a new version of its operating system, called Mavericks, which claims greater speed, improvements to the built-in apps and Mac versions of two iPhone and iPad apps: iBooks and Maps.

你不再需要购买触摸屏款式才能充分利用Windows 8笔记本。Windows 8.1可以让你直接进入熟悉的桌面模式,更适合键盘与鼠标使用。而鼠标与键盘也适用于Windows基于触控的功能。

Touch Screens


You no longer need to buy a touch-screen laptop to get the most out of a Windows 8 laptop. Windows 8.1 allows you to boot directly into the familiar desktop, which is best used with a keyboard and mouse. And the mouse and keyboard will work for the touch-centric parts of Windows.


If you expect to spend a lot of time in the Start screen and the tabletlike apps that live there, I advise using a touch screen.

另一方面,我确实喜欢屏幕可插拔、可用作平板的Windows 8笔记本设计。这些被称为可插拔笔记本(detachable)的机型正在不断改进,价格也在逐渐下调。


我曾短暂测试过一款有趣的可插拔机型——349美元起售的华硕(Asus)Transformer Book T100,但我没有进行详尽评测。这是一款搭载完整Windows 8.1系统的10英寸平板,可以扣入一个笔记本键盘中。

On the other hand, I do like the idea of Windows 8 laptops in which the screen can be removed and used as a tablet. These machines, called detachables, are getting better and less expensive.


One interesting model I tried briefly-but did not thoroughly test-is the Asus Transformer Book T100, which starts at $349. It's a 10-inch tabletrunning full Windows 8.1 that snaps into a laptop keyboard.




You can still buy Windows laptops for as little as $250 or $300, but I don't recommend it because they tend to use old or lower-quality components.


A good midrange price is around $500 to $700. Touch-screen models and those with the latest processors, or the thinnest and lightest bodies, run highest.


Bottom Line

Walt Mossberg

It's safe to buy a laptop again. Just pay attention to those Intel stickers.

Walt Mossberg