
经过多年的低调实验,多家大型汽车制造商目前正全力开发自动驾驶汽车,期待它们能够从实验室走向生产流水线。9月10日,在两年一度的法兰克福车展上,汽车制造业的高管们利用这一舞台、通过各种方式传达了这一讯息,这也是对于软件业巨头谷歌(Google Inc.)的一种回应。谷歌在过去三年的自动驾驶实验广为人知,抢去了汽车厂商的一些风头。

Big auto makers are steering their efforts to develop cars that drive themselves out of the labs and into the fast lane for production, after years of low-profile experimentation.

最引人注目的消息来自戴姆勒公司(Daimler AG)的梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)品牌,该品牌宣布在今年8月,一台搭载了"智能驾驶"系统的梅赛德斯S500型试验车自动沿贝尔塔·本茨(Bertha Benz)1888年开辟的路线,走完了德国曼海姆(Mannheim)到普福尔茨海姆(Pforzheim)之间103公里的路程。贝尔塔·本茨是卡尔·本茨(Carl Benz)的太太,卡尔·本茨在1886年研发出了世界上第一台由发动机驱动的汽车。

Auto industry executives on Tuesday used the podium offered by the biennial Frankfurt auto show to deliver that message in a variety of ways, responding in part to software giant Google Inc.'s well-publicized experiments with autonomous driving that over the past three years have stolen some of the thunder of the automotive establishment.

一个名为"路径领航"(Route Pilot)的导航系统让这辆汽车在不限速的公共道路上安然驶往目的地。

The most dramatic statement came from Daimler AG's Mercedes-Benz brand, which disclosed that in August a Mercedes S 500 'Intelligent Drive' researchvehicle autonomously retraced the 103-kilometer route between the German cities of Mannheim and Pforzheim navigated by Bertha Benz in 1888. Ms. Benz was the wife of Carl Benz, who patented the first self-propelled motor vehicle in 1886.


A navigation system, called Route Pilot, allowed the car to find its way safely to a destination on unrestricted, public roads.

9月10日,梅赛德斯自动驾驶S级轿车项目的技术供应商德国大陆集团(Continental AG)的总裁表艾尔马尔·德根哈特(Elmar Degenhart)表示,该公司正在寻求信息技术行业的合作伙伴以开发车辆自动驾驶系统。

The self-piloting S-Class includes a color camera mounted behind the windshield that could read stoplights, additional long-range radars to detect oncoming vehicles, a stereo camera with two lenses set apart to function like human eyes to detect distant objects, and a rear-facing camera designed to spot landmarks entered into a digital map.

德根哈特还披露他们与美国计算机业巨头IBM(International Business Machines Corp.)展开了一项新合作,以开发处理自动驾驶车辆路上安全行驶所需数据的系统。但是他没有透露自动驾驶技术所需的第三个关键要素的具体信息,即与一家互联网公司的合作。

On Tuesday, the chief executive of Continental AG, a German supplier of technology for the Mercedes self-driving S-Class project, said his company is lining up information technology partners for its self-driving vehicle systems development.


Continental's Elmar Degenhart also disclosed a new partnership with U.S. computer giant International Business Machines Corp. to develop systems to handle the data required to keep a self-driving car safely on the road. But he left unfilled a third leg of the self-driving technology stool -- teaming up with an Internet company.


'We feel a partnership with an Internet company makes sense,' Mr. Degenhart said. But he declined to comment on reports that Continental is in talks with Google to form an alliance in which the software company would supply mapping and other content for Continental's autonomous driving systems.


'We will try to complete our triangle by the end of the year,' he said, adding that Google is a potential partner.


Mr. Degenhart said his car-making customers are ramping up orders for technology that forms the building blocks of a self-driving vehicle, including radar vision systems.


By 2015, he said, Continental expects to deliver 10 million radar sensors, up from a projected 4.5 million this year.


Self-driving vehicle systems will likely be a 1 billion euro ($1.33 billion) a year business for Continental in the near term, he said.

其他知名汽车厂商也加入了竞争。法国汽车技术提供商法雷奥(Valeo SA)展示了全新的"助你停车"(Park4U)系统,驾驶员可以在停车场门口下车,用智能手机操纵汽车自行停放。

Among the systems that could appear sooner in showrooms than a fully autonomous car is technology that would allow a car to navigate through construction zones, where barricades or equipment constrict the travel lanes, Mr. Degenhart said.

天合汽车集团(TRW Automotive Holdings Corp.)在此次法兰克福展会上宣传了全新的能够实现"半自动驾驶"的视频及雷达视觉系统。

Other established automotive companies are getting in the race. French auto technology supplier Valeo SA showed a new 'Park4U' system that would allow drivers to leave a car at the entrance of a parking lot and use a smartphone to direct the vehicle to park itself.

日产汽车公司(Nissan Motor Corp.)8月份在业界引起了震动,当时他们宣布将在2020年销售全自动驾驶的汽车。大众汽车集团(Volkswagen AG)也对自动驾驶汽车进行了实验,主要是通过旗下的奥迪(Audi)品牌。

TRW Automotive Holdings Corp. used the Frankfurt venue to promote new video and radar vision systems aimed at enabling 'semiautonomous driving.'


Nissan Motor Corp. late last month caused a stir in the industry by declaring that it will be ready to sell cars capable of fully autonomous driving by 2020. Volkswagen AG has also experimented with self-driving vehicles, principally through its Audi brand.

宝马公司(BMW AG)全球销售及市场营销总监伊恩·罗伯逊(Ian Robertson)说,"我们需要一步一步来",自动驾驶技术进步迅速,但是"我们所面对的立法体系是几十年前形成的"。

At Frankfurt, rival industry executives weren't as ready as Nissan to commit to hard dates for production.


'We have to take it step by step,' said Ian Robertson, global sales and marketing chief for BMW AG. Autonomous vehicle technology is advancing rapidly, but 'we are faced with a legislativeframework developed many decades ago.'

通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)宣布他们开发的"超级巡航"(super cruise)系统能让汽车以高速公路的速度自动行驶。

Currently available technology would allow drivers to take their hands off the wheel and allow the car to steer itself, but laws in most markets require that auto makers design such systems to demand that drivers grab the wheel at regular, short intervals.

通用汽车全球动态安全电子设备与研发总监约翰·卡普(John Capp)说:"总有一天汽车会自己开动。但现实情况是成败不在一朝一夕。"

General Motors Co. has disclosed its work on a 'super cruise' system that allows a vehicle to pilot itself at freeway speeds.


'Someday cars will drive themselves,' said John Capp, GM's director of Global Active Safety Electronics and Innovation. 'There's a reality that's not going to happen overnight.'


Among other things needed for a safe, fully autonomous car are faster computers and data networks, and robust answers to the challenge of how to alert a driver to respond in a situation the autopilots cannot handle.

Joseph B. White