
某个夏日周五的早上八点,在位于达拉斯市区的会议中心,美国电话电报公司(AT&T Inc.,简称AT&T)的副总裁肯•费诺利奥(Ken Fenoglio)正在努力为400名听众打气。

It is 8 a.m. on a summer Friday and AT&T Inc. vice president Ken Fenoglio is trying to pump up a crowd of 400 at the convention center in downtown Dallas.


'Who runs this company?' he asks. 'We do, right here.'


The men and women in the audience aren't executives, nor are they on the front lines dealing with customers. They are in between: middle managers on the corporate ladder of a vast organization. And Mr. Fenoglio wants them to feel like that is a good thing.


'You're right in the middle,' he says. 'You're right where the action is.'

像AT&T培训课这样的场景在电信公司、医疗保健公司和零售公司越来越常见──尤其是希望快速变革的公司。根据研究与咨询集团Bersin by Deloitte进行的一项研究,2012年,50%的美国中层管理者接受了正式的领导力培训。2012年,美国中层管理者的人均培训支出从2009年的1,000美元升至2,700美元。

Scenes like AT&T's training session are becoming familiar at companies from telecom to health care to retail -- especially those attempting rapid change. According to a study by research and consulting group Bersin by Deloitte, 50% of midlevel leaders received formalleadership development in 2012. The average spending per midlevel leader across the U.S. was $2,700 in 2012, up from $1,000 in 2009.


The hope is that managers will attend talks and tackle problems, learn negotiation skills and become better leaders. And if managers walk away with a rosier view of their company, that is a plus.


Middle managers need the boost. Though unemployment among the middle ranks remained low during the recession and recovery, many presided over layoffs, forcing them to do more with less. Numbers show that levels of engagement following the financialcrisis fell more sharply among middle ranks than any other group.


AT&T's two-day training session was part leadership lesson, part pep rally, and part strategy session.


Here is a glimpse into some other companies' training and morale-boosting sessions for middle-managers:


Macy's: Thinking Like an Executive

在梅西百货(Macy's Inc.),店铺经理和跟单经理等中层管理者会参与一项电脑模拟,体验如何掌管一家中等规模的零售店。

At Macy's Inc., midlevel leaders like store managers and merchandise managers take part in a computer simulation that puts them at the helm of a midsize retailer.

在梅西百货位于俄亥俄州辛辛那提的领导力学院(Leadership Institute),参加培训的中层管理者们组成一个个四五人的小组共同解决下级部门业绩不佳或卡车提前到达等问题。

At the company's Leadership Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, teams of four or five people tackle problems like an underperforming juniors department or a truck that has arrived early.


The simulation programs aim to teach managers how their daily decisions can affect the business as a whole.

梅西百货人才与组织发展高级副总裁谢里•霍洛克(Sherry Hollock)说,即使是很小的选择和行为也可能会对企业发展起到推动或抑制的作用。

Even small choices and behaviors can drive business or inhibit it, says Sherry Hollock, Macy's senior vice president for talent and organization development.


IBM: Out of Your Comfort Zone


International Business Machines Corp. has steered away from the classroom setting and into the field to shape its middle managers.


It routinely sends groups to developing countries to get them out of their comfort zone and working on big, pro bono projects like improving children's hospitals in Brazil.


The goal is to get them used to working with diverse groups -- important when teams must collaborate across continents and divisions.


The experiences also encourage staffers to stick around. In a survey of 575 workers who went through the program, 76% said the experience 'boosted their desire to complete their business career at IBM.'


EY: Celebrating the Manager

在安永(EY LLP,前身为Ernst & Young),晋升为中层管理者的员工将获得一份奖励:为期一周的培训课。

Staffers promoted to the middle ranks at EY LLP (formerly Ernst & Young) get a reward: a weeklong training session.

安永的美洲首席人才发展官艾莉森•胡克(Alison Hooker)称,这是一项"庆祝活动"。去年12月,3,200名安永中层经理进驻佛罗里达州奥兰多(Orlando)的三家酒店,并在环球影城(Universal Studios)度过了一个晚上,尽享那里的游乐设施和美食。

The event is 'celebratory,' according to Alison Hooker, EY's Americas chief talent development officer. Last December 3,200 managers took over three Orlando, Fla., hotels and spent an evening at Universal Studios, where the rides and food were all theirs for the night.


The company's top leadership was on hand to thank the managers. Networking and skills-building plays a role too -- managers attended classes and sessions covering topics such as being an effective coach and identifying strengths.


Managers are especially important these days, Ms. Hooker says, as companies like EY try to stay nimble in the wake of the recession.


'Without them being able to be responsive . . . the organization kind of falls apart,' she says.


AT&T: Steering Change

AT&T的6,750名中层经理离一线很近,足以影响成千上万的员工:多数人有大约七名直接下属──一些人有50名之多──公司中总共有240,000名员工隶属他们管理。因此AT&T的人才发展总监黛比•斯托里(Debbie Storey)说,对接触如此广泛公司员工的群体进行激励是至关重要的。

AT&T's 6,750 general managers are close enough to the front lines to have an impact on thousands of workers: Most have about seven direct reports -- some have as many as 50 -- and a total of 240,000 employees report up to them companywide. So motivating a group that touches so much of the firm's workforce is crucial, says AT&T head of talent development, Debbie Storey.

在一次会议上,负责AT&T新兴企业与合作伙伴关系的格伦•卢里(Glenn Lurie)向经理们娓娓道来该公司如何争取到了与苹果公司(Apple Inc.)iPhone的独家合作关系(现在已过期)。(传递的信息:不要害怕失败。)

At one session, Glenn Lurie, who heads up emerging enterprises and partnerships at AT&T, regales the managers with stories about how the company nabbed its exclusive (and now expired) partnership with Apple Inc.'s iPhone. (The message: Don't be afraid of failure.)


At another session, the son of drug addicts explains how, as a 6-year-old, he used the local playground to get his life on track. (Moral of the story: loosen up and get creative.)

AT&T北卡罗来纳州的总监琼•巴纳汉-兰格(Jean Banahan-Lange)在这家公司干了29年,她说这种活动让她"重获活力"并重新找到目标。

Jean Banahan-Lange, a director with AT&T in North Carolina, has been with the company for 29 years and says events like this 'revive' and refocus her.


'You hear all this innovation, and you think, maybe I want to change,' she says.

医疗保健公司Baxter International Inc.的前首席执行长、管理学教授哈里•克雷默(Harry Kraemer)谈到了领导力和价值观。克雷默回答了中层管理者们提出的如何与老员工和不尊重员工私人时间的上司打交道的问题。

Harry Kraemer, a management professor and the former chief of health-care company Baxter International Inc. speaks about leadership and values. Mr. Kraemer fields questions from the middle managers about how to handle older employees and supervisors who have no concept of what it means to have a life.


Through it all, Mr. Kraemer keeps coming back to the idea that it's up to middle managers to lead the company into the future.


'What does this organization really want to do? Some group of people has to figure that out,' he says. 'No pressure, but you are those guys.'

Rachel Feintzeig

文章标签:课程  培训  培训课程