
职业生涯中,公司的中层管理者可能感觉如同置身于黑洞之中,尤其是越到上层,工作机会越少。但人力资源咨询公司OI Partners Inc.负责进行中层管理者领导力培训的执行合伙人玛丽•安•贡廷(Mary Ann Gontin)说,如果中层管理者能够像高出他们几层的领导那样思考和行动,他们就能从中层晋升到高层。准备好采取行动了吗?以下是具体做法。

In the course of a career, the middle rungs of the corporate ladder can feel like a black hole, especially as job opportunities thin at higher levels. But managers can rise from the middle, provided they think and act like the leaders several levels above, says Mary Ann Gontin, a managing partner who conducts leadership training for midlevel managers at human-resources consulting firm OI Partners Inc.


Ready to make a move? Here's how to do it.
