

  • 卖主虽然存活,却不能归回再得所卖的,因为这异象关乎他们众人。谁都不得归回,也没有人在他的罪孽中坚立自己。
  • 新中译版圣经:卖主虽然存活,却不能归回再得所卖的,因为这异象关乎他们众人。谁都不得归回,也没有人在他的罪孽中坚立自己。
  • 新世纪圣经:卖的人虽然还活着,却不能得回所卖的。因为这个关乎众人的异象必不更改。因为罪孽的缘故,没有人能保全自己的性命。
  • LCC:卖的人尽他们活着的时候,总不能返回再得所卖的,因为永恒主的烈怒已临到所有的蜂拥群众;它必不返回∶没有人在他的罪罚中能保持得住他的性命(传统∶他的性命他们能坚强自己)。
  • TCB:没有一个商人能活到赚回他所损失的,因为上帝的烈怒将倾注在每一个人身上。邪恶的人不能存活。
  • 当代圣经:卖主虽然活着,却无法赎回他所卖的,因为关乎他们众人的异象必然要应验;他们的罪使他们一个也不能保存性命。
  • CSG:卖主虽还活着,但不得再赎回他所卖的,因为惩罚一降在一切民众身上,谁也不能再挽回。无人在罪恶中能保全生命。


  • 新国际版圣经:The seller will not recover the land he has sold as long as both of them live, for the visionconcerning the whole crowd will not be reversed. Because of their sins, not one of them will preserve his life.
  • NRSV:For the sellers shall not return to what has been sold as long as they remain alive. For the vision concerns all their multitude; it shall not be revoked. Because of their iniquity, they cannot maintain their lives.
  • NASV:'Indeed, the seller will not regain what he sold as long as they both live; for the visionregarding all their multitude will not be averted, nor will any of them maintain his life by his iniquity.
  • 古老版圣经:For the seller shall not return to that which is sold, although they were yet alive: for the vision [is] touching the whole multitude thereof, [which] shall not return; neither shall any strengthen himself in the iniquity of his life.
  • ASV:For the seller shall not return to that which is sold, although they be yet alive: for the vision is touching the whole multitude thereof, none shall return; neither shall any strengthen himself in the iniquity of his life.
  • 基础英语版圣经:For the trader will not go back to the things for which he had his price, even while he is still living:
  • DBY:For the seller shall not return to that which is sold, even though he were yet alive amongst the living: for the vision is touching the whole multitude thereof; it shall not be revoked; and none shall through his iniquity assure his life.
  • 标准修订版圣经:For the seller shall not return to what he has sold, while they live. For wrath is upon all their multitude;it shall not turn back;and because of his iniquity, none can maintain his life.
  • 直译圣经95版:'Indeed, the seller will not regain what he sold as long as they both live; for the visionregarding all their multitude will not be averted, nor will any of them maintain his life by his iniquity.
  • 直译圣经77版:'Indeed, the seller will not regain what he sold as long as they [both] live; for the visionregarding all their multitude will not be averted, nor will any of them maintain his life by his iniquity.
  • WEB:For the seller shall not return to that which is sold, although they were yet alive: for the vision [is] concerning the whole multitude thereof, [which] shall not return; neither shall any strengthen himself in the iniquity of his life.
  • YLT:For the seller to the sold thing turneth not, And yet among the living [is] their life, For the vision [is] unto all its multitude, It doth not turn back, And none by his iniquity doth strengthen his life.


  • .WqZ:j't]yI al~ /tY:j' /nwO[}B' vyaiw bWvy: al~ Hn:/mh}AlK;Ala, @/zj;AyKi !t;Y:j' !yYIj'B' d/[w bWvy: al~ rK;m]Mih'Ala, rke/Mh' yKi



NIV:新国际版(New International Version,简称NIV)是一个当代英语圣经译本,也是目前在英语国家被最为广泛使用的圣经版本,适合个人研读之用的译本。
NCB: New Century Bible 《新世纪圣经》
LCC:(Library of Christian Classes)
CLB:当代圣经译本(The Chinese Living Bible, CLB)
NASB:用纯粹直译方法(Strictly Literal)的译本

