

  wear well 经久耐用

  wear 穿

  wearable 可穿用的

  wearer 穿用者

  weariful 疲乏的

  wearily 疲倦地

  weariness 疲倦

  wearing apparel 衣服

  wearing 磨损的

  wearisome 使疲倦的

  weary of 厌烦

  weary out 消磨

  weary 疲倦的

  weasand 气管

  weasel from 逃避

  weasel out 退出

  weasel words 遁辞

  weasel 鼬鼠

  weasel-faced 瘦长脸的

  weather beam 上风舷

  weather breeder 暴风雨前的沉静

  weather bureau 气象局

  weather chart 气象图

  weather deck 露天甲板

  weather eye 警惕

  weather forecast 天气预报

  weather gauge 居上风之地位

  weather in 停航

  weather map 气象图

  weather out 因天气坏而取消

  weather service 气象服务

  weather ship 气象观测船

  weather station 气象站

  weather strip 挡风雨条

  weather stripping 挡风雨条

  weather through 度过

  weather vane 风标

  weather 天气

  weather-beaten 饱经风霜的

  weather-bound 因天气受阻的

  weather-stained 变色的

  weather-strip 装以盖缝条

  weather-wise 善于预测天气的

  weatherboard 挡风舷

  weatherboarding 护墙板

  weathercock 风标

  weatherglass 晴雨表

  weathering 风化

  weatherly 向上风的

  weatherproof 防风雨的

  weathertight 防风雨的

  weatherworn 风雨侵蚀的

  weave throngh 迂回通过

  weave 编织

  weaver 织工

  weaverbird 织巢鸟

  web site 网站

  web 网

  web-fingered 蹼指的

  web-footed 脚蹼

  web-toed 蹼趾的

  webbed 成网状的

  webbing 带子

  webby 丝网的

  webfoot 蹼趾动物

  Website 网络站点

  wed 结婚

  wedded 结婚

  wedding breakfast 喜宴

  wedding ceremony 结婚典礼

  wedding dress 结婚礼服

  wedding feast 喜筵

  wedding march 婚礼进行曲

  wedding ring 结婚戒指

  wedding 婚礼

  wedge in 插入

  wedge one's ways 用力挤过去

  wedge 楔

  wedge-shaped 楔形的

  wedgewise 成楔形地

  wedgie 女靴

  wedgy 楔形的

  wedlock 结婚生活

  Wednesday 星期三

  wee hours 凌晨

  wee 很小

  wee-wee 撒尿

  weed out 清除

  weed 野草

  weeder 除草者

  weedicide 除草剂

  weediness 杂草状

  weeds 丧服

  weedy 似草的

  week about 每隔一周

  week of sundays 很长的时间

  week 星期

  weekday 周日

  weekend 周末

  weekender 周末旅行者

  weekly 每周

  ween 料想

  weenie 微小的

  weeny 微小的

  weep away 不停地哭泣

  weep Irish 假哭

  weep one's heart out 哭得死去活来

  weep oneself out 尽情痛哭

  weep out 哭着说出

  weep 哭

  weeper 哭泣者

  weeping cross 忏悔十字架

  weeping eczema 湿润性湿疹

  weeping willow 垂柳

  weeping 哭泣

  weepy 要哭的

  weever 鲈鱼

  weevil 象鼻虫

  weewee 撒尿

  weft 织物

  weigh anchor 起锚

  weigh down 压低

  weigh in with 成功地提出

  weigh in 参加

  weigh on 重压于

  weigh one's word 斟酌字句

  weigh out 称出

  weigh up 称

  weigh 称重量

  weighable 可量重的

  weighbeam 秤杆

  weighbridge 地秤

  weigher 过秤员

  weighhouse 过磅处

  weighing bottle 称量瓶

  weighing machine 量重器

  weighlock 衡闸

  weighman 过磅员

  weight lifter 举重者

  weight lifting 举重

  weight reducing exercise 减肥运动

  weight throw 链球

  weight 重量

  weightily 沉重地

  weightiness 重

  weightless 无重量的

  weightlessness 无重状态

  weights and measures 度量衡

  weighty 重的

  weir 堰

  weird 怪异的

  weirdie 古怪的人

  weirdly 古怪地

  weirdness 古怪

  weirdy 古怪的人

  weka 秧鸡

  welch 逃避债务

  Welcome aboard! 请上船

  welcome back 欢迎归来

  welcome in 款待

  welcome 欢迎

  weld into 结合

  weld 焊接

  weldable 可焊的

  welder 焊接工

  welfare fund 福利基金

  welfare state 福利国家

  welfare work 福利事业

  welfare worker 从事救济者

  welfare 福利

  welfarism 社会福利

  welkin 天空

  well and truly 准确地

  well as a storm 不合时宜的

  Well begun is half done 好的开端是成功的一半

  well done 做得不错

  Well fed,well bred 吃得饱

  well off 富裕的

  well sinker 打井工

  well then 那么

  well up 涌出

  well 好

  well-advised 审慎的

  well-appointed 设备完善的

  well-balanced 很平衡

  well-behaved 行为端正的

  well-being 康乐

  well-beloved 很受人爱的

  well-bred 有教养的

  well-chosen 精选的

  well-connected 有好亲戚的

  well-content 十分满意的

  well-defined 明确的

  well-disposed 怀好意的

  well-doer 善人

  well-done 做得好的

  well-educated 受过良好教育的

  well-favored 漂亮的

  well-favoured 漂亮的

  well-fed 营养充足的

  well-fixed 有钱的

  well-found 设备完善的

  well-founded 有根据的

  well-groomed 被小心照料的

  well-grounded 基础牢固的

  well-heeled 富有的

  well-informed 熟悉的

  well-intentioned 好意的

  well-judged 判断正确的

  well-kept 保管妥当的

  well-knit 结实的

  well-known 众所周知的

  well-liking 健康的

  well-lined 装满的

  well-mannered 行为端正的

  well-marked 识别清楚的

  well-meaning 善意的

  well-meant 没有恶意的

  well-nigh 几乎

  well-off 顺利的

  well-ordered 秩序井然的

  well-pleasing 满意的

  well-preserved 保养的很好

  well-proportioned 比例恰当的

  well-read 博学的

  well-regulated 井然有序的

  well-reputed 获得好评的

  well-rounded 丰满的

  well-set 装配坚固的

  well-spoken 得体的

  well-suited 适当的

  well-thought-of 声誉好的

  well-timed 时机正好的

  well-to-do 小康的

  well-tried 经过磨练的

  well-turned 姿态优美的

  well-wisher 祝福者

  well-wishing 祝福

  well-worn 用旧了的

  welladay 呜呼!哀哉!

  wellaway 呜呼

  wellborn 出身名门的

  welldoer 善人

  welldoing 善行

  wellhandled 处理妥当的

  wellhead 水源

  wellspring 水源

  Welsh rabbit 威尔士干酪

  welsh 食言

  welsher 骗人

  Welshman 威尔士男子

  welt 贴边

  Weltanschauung 世界观

  welter 翻滚

  welterweight 次中量级拳击手

  wen 粉瘤

  wench 乡下姑娘

  wend 走

  went about 四处走动

  went abroad 出国

  went across 走过

  went after 追求

  went against 违反

  went ahead 前进

  went along with 结伴而行

  went along 前进

  went around 走来走去

  went astray 走失

  went at 攻击

  went away 离开

  went back of 探查究竟

  went back on one's word 食言

  went back on 毁约

  went back 走下坡

  went behind 追究

  went below 走下甲板

  went between 调停

  went beyond 超越

  went by the name of 被称为

  went by 时间逝去

  went down on one's knees 屈膝

  went down with 染上疾病

  went down 下跌

  went downtown 到市区

  went dutch 各自付帐

  went far 扬名

  went for a walk 散步

  went for an outing to 去远足

  went for 攻击

  went forth 公告

  went forward 前进

  went halves 平分

  went home 回家

  went in for 爱好

  went in 进入

  went into effect 生效

  went into 从事

  went off the deep end 仓促行事

  went off 爆炸

  went on a journey 去旅行

  went on a light diet 养成吃清淡食物的习惯

  went on a trip 旅行

  went on errands 出差

  went on 持续

  went one's own way 一意孤行

  went out of one's mind 发疯

  went out of use 开始不用

  went out 离开

  went over 越过

  went round and round 旋转

  went short of 匮乏

  went through channels 按步就班

  went through with 完成

  went through 审查

  went to bed 上床睡觉

  went to pieces 瓦解

  went to the movies 去看电影

  went to the vote 被提交表决

  went to town 寻欢作乐

  went to 准备做

  went together 调和

  went under the knife 接受手术

  went under 沉没

  went up to 前往

  went up 上升

  went with 陪伴

  went without saying 不言而喻

  went without 没有

  went wrong 走错路

  went 去

  wept 哭泣

  were it not for 若不是有

  were 是

  weren't 不是

  werewolf 狼人

  werwolf 狼人

  weskit 马甲

  Wesleyanism 卫斯理宗教义

  West Bengal 孟加拉邦

  west end 伦敦西区

  West Germany 西德

  West Indies 西印度群岛

  West Lothiam 西洛锡安

  West Point 西点军校

  West Pointer 西点毕业生

  west 西方

  west-northwest 西北西

  west-southwest 西南西

  westbound 向西进行的

  westering 向西

  westerly 西的

  western church 罗马教会

  western empire 西罗马帝国

  western hemisphere 西半球

  western roll 滚竿式跳高

  Western Roman Empire 西罗马帝国

  western 西方人

  westerner 美国西部人

  westernize 使西洋化

  westernmost 最西的

  westing 西行

  Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂

  westmost 最西的

  westward 西方

  westwardly 向西

  westwards 向西方地

  wet bargain 饮酒成交

  wet behind the ears 少不更事的

  wet blanket 弄湿的毯子

  wet cell 湿电池

  wet down 洒水

  wet dream 梦遗

  wet goods 湿货

  wet nurse 奶妈

  wet one's whistle 润喉

  wet plate 湿板

  wet smack 讨厌的人

  wet the other eye 再喝一杯酒

  wet to the skin 全身湿透的

  wet 湿的

  wet-blanket 用湿毯扑灭

  wet-nose 年轻无经验

  wet-nurse 奶妈

  wether 阉羊

  wetland 潮湿的土壤

  wetly 潮湿地

  wetness 湿润

  wetter 湿润剂

  wettest 湿的

  wetting agent 润湿剂

  wettish 潮湿的

  wey 韦

  whack 敲击

  whacked 疲惫不堪

  whacker 好大的

  whacking 巨大的

  whacky 怪诞的

  whale calf 幼鲸

  whale fishery 捕鲸

  whale fishing 捕鲸

  whale line 捕鲸用的缆绳

  whale oil 鲸油

  whale 鲸

  whale-calf 幼鲸

  whaleback 鲸背船

  whaleboat 捕鲸船

  whalecalf 幼鲸

  whaleman 捕鲸者

  whaler 捕鲸者

  whaling 捕鲸

  wham 重打声

  whammy 晦气

  whang 重击

  whangdoodle 废话

  whangee 黄竹

  wharf 码头

  wharfinger 码头管理员

  what a nice day 好天气

  what about 怎样

  what by what by 半用......半用

  what can I do for you 我能帮你做什么吗

  what follows 下列所述

  what for 为何

  what is called 所谓

  What is done by night appears by day 若要人不知除非己莫为

  what is more 更甚者

  what is said above 以上所指出者

  What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander 对别人如何对自己也应如何

  what they call 所谓

  what with 因为

  what you call 所谓

  What you lose on the swings you get back on the roundabouts 失之东隅收之桑榆

  what 什么

  What's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh 本性总要表露

  what's cool 最酷的

  What's done cannot be undone 覆水难收

  what's new 最新的

  what's on 在展览什么

  what's up 怎么了

  what's what 事情之真相

  what's wrong 怎么了

  what-for 惩罚

  what-if 假设

  whatever 无论

  whatman 绘画纸

  whatnot 古董架

  whatso 不论什么

  whatsoe'er 不论什么

  whatsoever 无论什么

  wheal 鞭痕

  wheat germ 麦芽

  wheat 小麦

  wheatear 麦翁禽

  wheaten 小麦的

  wheatgrass 芽草

  Wheatstone bridge 惠斯通电桥

  wheedle 诱惑

  wheel alignment 前轮定位

  wheel and axle 轮轴

  wheel and deal 独立行动

  wheel box 传动箱

  wheel chair 轮椅

  wheel 轮

  wheelbarrow 独轮手推车

  wheelbase 轴距

  wheelchair 轮椅

  wheeled 有轮的

  wheeler 车夫

  wheeler-dealer 追求利益的人

  wheelhorse 后马

  wheelhouse 舵手室

  wheelman 舵手

  wheels within wheels 复杂的结构

  wheelwright 车轮制造人

  wheeze 喘息

  wheezily 气喘地

  wheeziness 气喘状

  wheezy 气喘声的

  whelk 粉刺

  whelm 淹没

  whelp 小狗

  when all comes to all 全局考虑后

  when all is said and done 毕竟

  when all is said 结果

  when Dover and Calais meet 决不

  When Greek meets Greek then comes the tug of war 两强相遇相斗激烈

  when it comes to 当提到

  when one's clock strikes 临终

  when one's ship comes home 当愿望实现时

  when pigs fly 永无可能

  when the devil is blind 不可能

  when the sea gives up its dead 在耶稣复活的时候







  whence 来处

  whencesoever 无论从什么地方

  whene'er 什么时侯




  whensoever 无论何时

  where the shoe pinches 关键所在

  Where there is a will there is a way 有志者事竟成

  Where there's reek and there's heat 无风不起浪

  where 什么地方

  where'er 何处

  whereabouts 下落

  whereafter 随后




  whereat 因何

  whereby 凭什么




  wherefrom 从那

  wherein 何在

  whereinto 向那

  whereof 关于什么

  whereon 如何

  wheresoever 在其上

  wherethrough 经其处

  whereto 为什么

  whereunto 向何处

  whereupon 因此

  wherever 无论那里

  wherewith 用什么

  wherewithal 钱财

  wherry 摆渡船

  whet 磨

  whether or no 不管怎样

  whether or not 是否

  whether or 还是




  whetstone 磨石

  whew 吹哨声

  whey 乳浆

  whey-face 苍白的脸色

  whey-faced 脸色苍白的

  which 哪个

  whichever 无论那一个

  whichsoever 不论何者

  whiff 一吹

  whiffet 小狗

  whiffle 徐缓地吹

  whiffy 发臭气的

  Whig 辉格党

  Whiggery 辉格党原则

  Whiggish 辉格党主义的

  Whiggism 辉格党教义

  whigmaleerie 幻想

  while away 消磨

  while 当

  • forecast [´fɔ:kɑ:st] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.&n.预测;预报 六级词汇
  • astray [ə´strei] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.&a.在歧途上(的) 四级词汇
  • downtown [,daun´taun] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.&a.在商业区 四级词汇
  • bengal [beŋ´gɔ:l] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.孟加拉 六级词汇
  • hemisphere [´hemisfiə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.半球;范围,领域 四级词汇
  • fishery [´fiʃəri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.渔业,渔场 六级词汇
  • fishing [´fiʃiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.钓鱼;捕鱼;渔业 四级词汇
  • undone [,ʌn´dʌn] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.未完成的,没有做的 六级词汇
  • bridge [bridʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.桥(梁);鼻梁;桥牌 四级词汇
  • calais [´kælei] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.加来 六级词汇

文章标签:翻译  词汇  常用    
