
矿业繁荣渐退或许让澳大利亚这个资源丰富的经济体少了些光彩,但全球最幸福发达国家的桂冠仍戴在这个国家的头上。这是经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,简称OECD)幸福指数(Better Life Index)显示的。该指数基于就业、收入、环境和健康等指标对发达经济体进行排名。

A fading mining boom may be taking the gloss off Australia's resource-rich economy but the country has retained the title of happiest industrialized nation in the world.


That's according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's Better Life Index, which ranked the world's developed economies on criteria such as jobs, income, environment and health.


Australia kept the top spot for the third year running, ahead of Sweden