

Teaching Pronunciation to Young Learners

In thinking about teaching pronunciation to young learners we must first consider what 'pronunciation' is itself.

The concept of pronunciation includes:

- the sounds of the language
- stress and rhythm
- intonation

It is perhaps the first of these that is most obvious and as a result most often taught in classrooms. This does not mean however that we should neglect the other two, or that they are not 'teachable'.

At the beginning it is also worth establishing the aim of pronunciation practice in the classroom. To be realistic, the aim is not for your students to achieve a perfect imitation of a native speaker, but to be able to articulateaccurately enough to be comfortably understood by other speakers.

Pronunciation often takes a back seat in the classroom when compared with the teaching of grammar and vocabulary, but it is a feature of language that can be both incorporated into the teaching of these other two areas as well as being taught as a skill in its own right.

The teaching of pronunciationnecessarily involves speaking and this can be done in such a way that it is fun and motivating for students.The following pages will give teachers some ideas about how to incorporate the teaching of pronunciation into their day-to-day teaching repertoire.
neglect (v.) 忽视
imitation (n.) 模仿
articulate (v.) 发音
take a back seat 处于次要地位
repertoire (n.) 所有组成部分

