


Here are two activities involving the use of visuals.
A.Blurred photocopies

1.Copy and recopy a picture until it becomes unclear. The result should have patterns but not give too strong clues as to the original picture.
2.Give one copy of the blurred photocopy to each student and ask the group to make sense of the picture. They can draw in the outlines of what they see.
3.Ask students to move around the class and explain their pictures to one another.
B.Illustrating newspapers

1.Spread out a large collection of pictures, cartoons etc.
2.Ask learners to select one picture that interests them.
3.Remove all the remaining pictures.
4.Ask the students to imagine their picture is an illustration of a magazine or newspaper article.
5.When they have an idea of the article, they should write it down.
6.The students compare their articles and write letters to the magazine editor agreeing or disagreeing with the article.
7.The resulting letters can be displayed for group reading and further discussion.
blur (v.) 模糊,弄脏
outline (n.) 轮廓
remaining (adj.) 剩余的
illustration (n.) 图解
result (v.) 产生

