
    汉生:上周你爷爷的生日过得怎么样,一定特别热闹吧?     乐乐:挺热闹的。我美国的堂哥堂嫂带着他们三岁的儿子回来了。那小家伙可真乖,一见着我爷爷就给他磕头祝寿,把爷爷乐得不行,都笑得合不拢嘴了。     汉生:呵呵,你堂哥堂嫂之前肯定没少教他。诶,你爷爷今年高寿?     乐乐:上周是他八十大寿。     汉生:不会吧?我前一次去你家见过你爷爷,看着哪儿像快八十的人啊?感觉比六七十岁的的老人家还精神!     乐乐:我爷爷可是有秘诀的:别看他那么大年纪了,却从来不让自己闲着,每天都会找点儿事儿做。对了,你知道吗,昨天吃完晚饭,我爷爷突然做了一个让我们全家为难的决定。     汉生:什么决定?     乐乐:他想搬到敬老院去住!     汉生:啊?为什么啊?     乐乐:我爷爷说他在我们家住得不习惯。其实我觉得真正的原因是,他觉得给我们添了麻烦。     汉生:自己的儿女有什么麻烦不麻烦的?    乐乐:我爷爷一直都是这样,从来不愿意麻烦别人。我奶奶去年去世以后,他就一个人生活。我爸和我姑怕他一个人生活不方便,就想给她请一个保姆。可我爷爷坚决不要。说他身体好得很,花那个钱纯粹就是浪费。     汉生:你还别说,有些老人就是这样,总怕别人觉得自己不中用了,担心变成家人的负担。     乐乐:是啊,不过,在我爸和我姑的坚持下,他最终还是妥协了。可两个月前,保姆辞了职回家去做生意,我们就把爷爷接到家里来住了。     汉生:为什么不再给他请一个呢?     乐乐:给老人请保姆可没你想的那么容易。一般照顾老年人的保姆都是全天的,吃住都在一起,市里面的保姆不愿意做,所以一般是外地的。这样的保姆本来就不多,而现在,中国正在步入老龄社会,老人们却越来越多了。     汉生:难怪,所以才出现了"保姆荒",是吧?     乐乐:是啊,我们去了几家家政公司问,都说现在没有现成的人手,只能先登记着,等有了合适的再通知我们。可我爷爷这次不想请保姆了,非坚持去敬老院。     汉生:你爸爸你姑姑能同意吗?     乐乐:这还用说吗?当然不同意啊!我爷爷都这么大年纪了,能放心他一个人在敬老院吗?我姑姑也担心敬老院的条件太差,对老人照顾不周到。有家里的保姆照顾,她更放心。     汉生:这倒不一定,我去年就去过一家敬老院做志愿者,发现那里的条件和服务都不错,老人们过得挺好的。而且,老人们很容易聊到一块儿,还能打打牌、下下棋什么的,日子很容易就打发了。我倒是觉得,子女们不愿意让老人们去敬老院可能还有另外一个原因,就是怕别人有看法,说闲话,毕竟中国人是最要面子的。     乐乐:说实话,我认为别人怎么看倒无所谓,关键要看老人怎么过才更快乐,所以我爷爷做这个决定,我也能理解,自从我奶奶去世以后,就没人陪他说话了。虽然他的子女都很孝顺,但各自都有自己的工作,能陪他的时间也不多。     汉生:这也是现代社会的一个普遍现象吧。除了像你爷爷这样的,还有很多"空巢老人",他们的子女都不在身边,平时一个人在家没什么意思,出去也不知道找谁说话,所以,虽然他们物质上什么都不缺,但内心却很孤独。    乐乐:是啊,我爸爸他们也意识到了这一点,最终还是给他找了市里一家条件比较好的敬老院。昨天我们一起去那里看了看,真的还挺不错的。回去的路上我爸我妈还说,等他们老了也上这儿来住呢!    汉生:哈?那你有什么反应?不同意?    乐乐:为什么不同意?我当时就说,好哇!到时候我也搬进来,咱们一家三口还住一块!     HS: How was your grandpa's birthday bash last week? I think it must have been a very lively affair.
LL: It was very lively. My cousin brother and his wife came back from America with their three year old kid in tow. The lil' kid was really well-behaved, the moment he saw grandpa, he greeted him with a bow and wished him Happy Birthday. Grandpa was really delighted, he was grinning from ear to ear.
HS: He he, your cousin brother and his wife must have spent a lot of time teaching him. Hey, how old is your grandpa this year?
LL: Last week was his 80th birthday.
HS: Really? The last time I saw your grandpa over at your house, he didn't look like he was turning 80 anytime soon? He seemed to have more vitality than a 60 or 70 year old!
LL: My grandpa has a trick: don't let his age fool you, he never stays idle. He'll keep himself occupied with something everyday. Say, you know what, last night grandpa announced over dinner a decision that put everyone in a fix.
HS: What decision?
LL: He wants to move into a home for the aged!
HS: Huh? Why?
LL: My grandpa said he can't get used to living with us, I think the real reason is that he feels he's troubling us.
HS: We don't talk about troubling our own children.
LL: My grandpa has always been like that, he doesn't like to trouble people. After my grandma passed away, he lived by himself. My dad and aunt was concerned that it might not be so convenient for him to live alone, so they hired him a housekeeper. But my grandpa did not agree, he said that he was healthy and it was a pure waste of money.
HS: You needn't say more, some elderly people are like that, they're always worried that they're no longer of any use, that they're just a burden to their family.
LL: Yea, but my dad and aunt insisted, and he finally compromised. But his housekeeper resigned two months ago, she went back to start a business in her hometown, so we brought grandpa to live with us.
HS: Why not hire him another?
LL: It's not easy to hire a housekeeper for an elderly person. Generally, it's a whole day affair for housekeepers looking after elderly people, they eat and live together, the local housekeepers won't do the job, so normally, it'll be someone from out of town. Such housekeepers are hard to come by, and what's more, China's becoming an aging society, there are more and more old people.
HS: No wonder, so that's why there's a "shortage of housekeepers", right?
LL: Yep, we asked around at a few housekeeper agencies, they don't have an immediate supply of manpower, all we could do was register ourselves and wait for them to call when there's someone suitable. But this time my grandpa doesn't want to hire a housekeeper anymore, he's determined to move into a home for the aged.
HS: Your dad and aunt agreed?
LL: That goes without saying, of course they didn't agree! My grandpa is already so old, how can we be at peace if he's living by himself in a home for the aged? My aunt is also concerned that the home's condition is too inferior and proper care may not be given to the elders. If there's a housekeeper at our home, then she'll be reassured.
HS: On the contrary, it may not necessarily be so. Last year, I was a volunteer at a home for the aged, I thought that the conditions and service provided there were pretty good, the old folks were quite comfortable. Moreover, it was easy for them to get together and chat, play mahjong, have a game of chess, and what not, it's easy for them to pass the days. Rather, I think there's yet another reason why people are not willing to let their parents move into a home, for fear of how other people will perceive them, gossip behind their backs, after all, saving face is of great importance to the Chinese.
LL: To tell you the truth, for me, it's not important what others think, rather, the focus should be on what makes the elderly person happy. That's why I can empathize with grandpa's decision. Ever since grandma passed away, he doesn't have anyone to chat with. Although his children are very filial, but they're each busy with their own jobs, they don't have much time to spend with him.
HS: This is a phenomenonprevalent in modern society. Unless they're like your grandpa, many elderly people face the "empty nest" (syndrome), their children are not by their sides, so it's meaningless to be at home alone. Even if they do go out, they don't know who to talk to. So although they are not lacking in material well-being, deep inside them, they are very lonely.
LL: That's right, my dad and the rest of them are also aware of this point. In the end, we found a home for the aged within the city, which had better conditions. Yesterday all of us went there to have a look, it was pretty good. On the way back my mom and dad said, "When we're old, let's go live there too!"
HS: Huh? So what was your reaction? Did you disagree?
LL: Why should I disagree? At that time I said, "Sure! I'll move in with both of you, the three of us can live together!"

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
In China, the geracomium is a very controversial organization. Is it right to send our parents to the home for the aged? Everyone has their own opinions. These opinions include many traditional values of the Chinese people. Let's listen to Han Sheng and Le Le's discussion. Lesson Content: HS: How was your grandpa's birthday bash last week? I think it must have been a very lively affair.
LL: It was very lively. My cousin brother and his wife came back from America with their three year old kid in tow. The lil' kid was really well-behaved, the moment he saw grandpa, he greeted him with a bow and wished him Happy Birthday. Grandpa was really delighted, he was grinning from ear to ear.
HS: He he, your cousin brother and his wife must have spent a lot of time teaching him. Hey, how old is your grandpa this year?
LL: Last week was his 80th birthday.
HS: Really? The last time I saw your grandpa over at your house, he didn't look like he was turning 80 anytime soon? He seemed to have more vitality than a 60 or 70 year old!
LL: My grandpa has a trick: don't let his age fool you, he never stays idle. He'll keep himself occupied with something everyday. Say, you know what, last night grandpa announced over dinner a decision that put everyone in a fix.
HS: What decision?
LL: He wants to move into a home for the aged!
HS: Huh? Why?
LL: My grandpa said he can't get used to living with us, I think the real reason is that he feels he's troubling us.
HS: We don't talk about troubling our own children.
LL: My grandpa has always been like that, he doesn't like to trouble people. After my grandma passed away, he lived by himself. My dad and aunt was concerned that it might not be so convenient for him to live alone, so they hired him a housekeeper. But my grandpa did not agree, he said that he was healthy and it was a pure waste of money.
HS: You needn't say more, some elderly people are like that, they're always worried that they're no longer of any use, that they're just a burden to their family.
LL: Yea, but my dad and aunt insisted, and he finally compromised. But his housekeeper resigned two months ago, she went back to start a business in her hometown, so we brought grandpa to live with us.
HS: Why not hire him another?
LL: It's not easy to hire a housekeeper for an elderly person. Generally, it's a whole day affair for housekeepers looking after elderly people, they eat and live together, the local housekeepers won't do the job, so normally, it'll be someone from out of town. Such housekeepers are hard to come by, and what's more, China's becoming an aging society, there are more and more old people.
HS: No wonder, so that's why there's a "shortage of housekeepers", right?
LL: Yep, we asked around at a few housekeeper agencies, they don't have an immediate supply of manpower, all we could do was register ourselves and wait for them to call when there's someone suitable. But this time my grandpa doesn't want to hire a housekeeper anymore, he's determined to move into a home for the aged.
HS: Your dad and aunt agreed?
LL: That goes without saying, of course they didn't agree! My grandpa is already so old, how can we be at peace if he's living by himself in a home for the aged? My aunt is also concerned that the home's condition is too inferior and proper care may not be given to the elders. If there's a housekeeper at our home, then she'll be reassured.
HS: On the contrary, it may not necessarily be so. Last year, I was a volunteer at a home for the aged, I thought that the conditions and service provided there were pretty good, the old folks were quite comfortable. Moreover, it was easy for them to get together and chat, play mahjong, have a game of chess, and what not, it's easy for them to pass the days. Rather, I think there's yet another reason why people are not willing to let their parents move into a home, for fear of how other people will perceive them, gossip behind their backs, after all, saving face is of great importance to the Chinese.
LL: To tell you the truth, for me, it's not important what others think, rather, the focus should be on what makes the elderly person happy. That's why I can empathize with grandpa's decision. Ever since grandma passed away, he doesn't have anyone to chat with. Although his children are very filial, but they're each busy with their own jobs, they don't have much time to spend with him.
HS: This is a phenomenonprevalent in modern society. Unless they're like your grandpa, many elderly people face the "empty nest" (syndrome), their children are not by their sides, so it's meaningless to be at home alone. Even if they do go out, they don't know who to talk to. So although they are not lacking in material well-being, deep inside them, they are very lonely.
LL: That's right, my dad and the rest of them are also aware of this point. In the end, we found a home for the aged within the city, which had better conditions. Yesterday all of us went there to have a look, it was pretty good. On the way back my mom and dad said, "When we're old, let's go live there too!"
HS: Huh? So what was your reaction? Did you disagree?
LL: Why should I disagree? At that time I said, "Sure! I'll move in with both of you, the three of us can live together!"