
    汉生:乐乐,实在对不起,让你等了这么久。    乐乐:你足足迟到了半个小时,我还以为你不来了。    汉生:刚才我临时有事,手机又没电了,没能给你打电话,真是太不好意思了。    乐乐:没事,这次就原谅你了,下不为例啊。    汉生:好,我下次一定准时到。为了表示我的歉意,这顿饭我请吧。    乐乐:好啊。不过,我有一个秘密要告诉你。    汉生:什么秘密?    乐乐:其实我也迟到了,我刚来五分钟。路上堵车,我一直打你电话,但是没有人接。    汉生:乐乐,你居然骗我!我以为你等了很长时间呢。    乐乐:跟你开个玩笑嘛,别生气。既然我们都迟到了,这顿饭就不用你请了,我们还是AA吧。     Hansheng: Lele, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long.
Lele: You're late as much as half an hour. I thought you would not be coming.
H: I was just busy at the last minute. My cell phone went dead and could not call you. I'm awfully sorry.
L: That's all right. I forgive you this time, don't do it again.
H: Ok, I'll be on time next time. In order to extend my apology, this dinner will be my treat.
L: Ok. But I've a secret to tell you.
H: Which secret?
L: I really was late too. I just came 5 minutes ago. I was stuck in traffic. I kept calling you but there was no answer.
H: Lele, I didn't expect you'd fool me! I thought you were waiting for a long time.
L: I was joking. Don't get angry. Since we were both late, this is not your treat. We'll go dutch, ok.

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
If for an appointment among friends "whoever comes late has to invite the others to dinner". That way when friends reckon to get together, everybody will come on time. Lesson Content: Hansheng: Lele, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long.
Lele: You're late as much as half an hour. I thought you would not be coming.
H: I was just busy at the last minute. My cell phone went dead and could not call you. I'm awfully sorry.
L: That's all right. I forgive you this time, don't do it again.
H: Ok, I'll be on time next time. In order to extend my apology, this dinner will be my treat.
L: Ok. But I've a secret to tell you.
H: Which secret?
L: I really was late too. I just came 5 minutes ago. I was stuck in traffic. I kept calling you but there was no answer.
H: Lele, I didn't expect you'd fool me! I thought you were waiting for a long time.
L: I was joking. Don't get angry. Since we were both late, this is not your treat. We'll go dutch, ok.