
    乐乐:汉生,你这是干什么去了?急急忙忙的。    汉生:我去买火车票了。    乐乐:买火车票?去哪儿啊?    汉生:大连。    乐乐:是去玩儿还是干吗?    汉生:我现在哪有闲工夫去玩儿啊!是去出差。    乐乐:哦。那也挺好的,大连可是好地方,可以顺便去转转。    汉生:我倒是想,可是没时间,只在那里待一天,很紧张。还没有在路上的时间长呢!    乐乐:那你怎么不坐飞机啊?飞过去只要一个小时,坐火车得十个多小时,把时间都浪费在路上多可惜啊!    汉生:你以为我不想坐飞机啊?可是我们只报销火车票,机票不给报。    乐乐:你们单位也太抠门了!    汉生:不过我自己也愿意坐火车,感觉更安全。而且一旦碰上飞机延误什么的,也不见得快。    乐乐:你还真想得开。在火车上十几个小时我可受不了!太难受了,而且也很无聊。    汉生:也不见得。买张卧铺票,想坐就坐,想睡就睡,挺好的,如果是软卧,就更舒服了。你可以在车上看书或者做自己的事儿,也可以带上电脑,只要你想做,在车上什么都耽误不了。如果你愿意的话,还可以跟旁边的人聊聊天,听听来自天南地北的人的经历和故事,也很有意思。    乐乐:你还挺自得其乐的。我宁可把时间花在机场的咖啡馆里或者宾馆的床上,也不愿意浪费在火车上。不过你这次时间那么紧,估计也去不了什么地方。    汉生:是啊,办完正事,跟那边的老朋友见个面,估计时间也就差不多了。    乐乐:那你什么时候走?几点的火车?    汉生:明天晚上八点多的火车,后天早上到。    乐乐:那好,一路顺风!    汉生:谢谢!回来再聊!    乐乐:哎,对了,别忘了给我带大连的特产!     Le Le: Han Sheng, what were you doing? You looked so busy.
Han Sheng: I went to buy a train ticket.
Le Le: Buy a train ticket? Where are you going?
Han Sheng: Da Lian.
Le Le: For holiday or something else?
Han Sheng: I have no time to go for holiday. I'm going for a business trip.
Le Le: Oh, it's nice too. Da Lian is a nice place. You can travel around this time.
Han Sheng: I would love to. But there is no time. I only stay at Da Lian for one day. It would be very busy. The time spend in Da Lian is less than the time on the way.
Le Le: Why don't you choose airplane. It only cost you one hour by plane. But it's over ten hours by train. What a waste to spend time on the way.
Han Sheng: You thought I ddin't like plane trip? It's just because we can only refund train tickets rather than air tickets.
Le Le: How stingy is your company.
Han Sheng: But as for me, I like train. I feel it safe. What's more, flights usually delay. And then it's not that fast.
Le Le: You can always find something to keep yourself up. I can't bear staying in a train for more than ten hours. It's very uncomfortable, and dull.
Han Sheng: It's not always a dull journey. You can buy a sleeper ticket, then sit or sleep as you like. It would be much more comfortable with a soft bed ticket. And you can read or do your own job. Bring a notebook with you. If you want to work, nothing could stop it. And what's more, if you like, you can chat with someone else. Isn't it funny to sharing different kinds of stories and experience?
Le Le: You can always find a happy way. I would rather spend time in the coffee shop of an airport or bed in a hotel than in a train. But this time your schedule is really busy. I'm afraid you have no chance to go around.
Han Sheng: That's right. After finishing my business, I would go to see an old friend. Then there is no time left.
Le Le: When will you leave?
Han Sheng: The train is 8 pm tomorrow. I will arrive there tomorrow morning.
Le Le: Ok, wish you a good journey.
Han Sheng: Thank you. I will talk to you when I'm back.
Le Le: Oh, wait, don't forget to bring me something special things.

Lesson Summary:
If you need to go out to conduct a business, it's called "to go on a business trip" in Chinese. Did you ever go on a business trip? Do you take the plane or the train when you go on a business trip? Hansheng and Lele 'll be discussing about "going on a business trip". Lesson Content: Lele: What're you doing? In such a hurry.
Hansheng: I'm going buy a train ticket.
L: Buying a train ticket? Going where?
H: Dalian.
L: For pleasure or business?
H: I don't have time to play now! I'm going on a business trip.
L: Oh.That's also a very good place, Dalian is indeed a good place, to go for a stroll as well.
H: I'd like to, but I won't have time. I'll be there for only one day. I'm very nervous. I won't have enough time while I'm on the road.
L:Whydon't you take the plane? It'll take you only one hour, but by train it'll take more than ten hours. What a pity, so much time wasted on the road!
H: You think I don't want to fly? But they'd refuse a refund if I return my train ticket.
L: Your company is too stingy!
H: But I'm also willing to take the train, I feel more secure. Besides, with flight delays it won't be that fast by plane.
L: You really take it to heart. I can't stand a dozen hours on the train!Terrible and too boring.
H: Not necessarily. You buy a ticket for a sleeper, you sit or sleep when you want, that's very good. If it's a soft sleeper, it's more comfortable. You can read in the train or do your own thing. You can also bring your computer, you can do anything without hindrance.If
you wish, you can also chat with the passenger sitting next to you and listen to the experience and very interesting stories of people from differeent places.
L: You'll sure enjoy yourself. I'd rather spend time at the airport coffee shop or hotel bed. I'm not willing to waste time in a train. But this time, your schedule is too tight, I guess we can't go anywhere.
H: Yes. After finishing up business with an old friend over there.
L: Well, bon voyage!
H: Thanks! We'll chat again when I return
