
    洋洋:大卫,我家就在这栋楼的第八层。    大卫:八层!你家真高!    洋洋:坐电梯的话,一点儿也不觉得高。    大卫:还好有电梯,要不然爬八楼非得累得气喘吁吁不可。    洋洋:来,到了,快请进!    大卫:哇,洋洋,你家真漂亮。    洋洋:谢谢你的夸奖,快请坐,来尝尝我网购的安溪铁观音。    大卫:安溪的铁观音大名鼎鼎呢,今天一定要好好尝尝。    洋洋:我没有学习过茶道,你就将就着喝吧。    大卫:闻起来清香扑鼻,喝起来甘甜爽口,嗯,果然名不虚传。    洋洋:对了,大卫,你上次说要介绍你的好朋友玛丽给我认识?    大卫:对了对了,光顾着喝茶,差点儿把正事给忘了。我约了玛丽今天视频聊天,介绍你们彼此认识。我打开电脑看看她现在上线了没有。    洋洋:好啊。    (打开电脑,登录MSN)。    大卫:其实呀,玛丽想学汉语,可是她现在不能来中国,所以她想找一个老师通过网络来教她汉语。这样她就能学到地道的汉语了。你的汉语这么好,所以我向她推荐了你。    洋洋:哪里哪里,如果我能帮上忙,一定会尽力的。你们都用MSN联系家人和朋友吗?    大卫:嗯,大部分都是,偶尔也打电话,不过我在中国的朋友都用QQ来交流。    洋洋:我也有很多同学在外地读书,我们经常用QQ聊天。    大卫:我比较习惯用MSN,QQ是我来中国之后才用的。    洋洋:嗯,原来这样啊。有MSN和QQ你就可以和我们大家保持联系了。    大卫:是啊,真的很感谢你们这些中国朋友,没有你们的帮忙,我在中国一定很孤单。    洋洋:中国有句俗语"在家靠父母,出门靠朋友。"朋友之间本来就应该互相帮忙    大卫:"在家靠父母,出门靠朋友。"这句话说得真好,我要记住它。玛丽真的在线呢,洋洋,来,你和她先打个招呼吧。     YY: David, my home is right on the eighth floor of this building.
David: The eighth floor! Your home is really high up!
YY: It's not high at all if we take the elevator.
David: Fortunately there's an elevator, if I had to climb up eight floors, I'll surely be so tired that I'd be gasping for air.
YY: We're here, come on in!
David: Wow, Yang Yang, your home's really beautiful.
YY: Thanks for the compliment. Have a seat, try out this Tieguanyin tea from Anxi; I bought it over the internet.
David: Anxi's Tieguanyin has a grand reputation. Today, I gotta really taste it.
YY: I've never learned the art of tea, so you'll have to make do.
David: A refreshingfragrance greets the nose while a sweet and refreshing taste lingers in the mouth, ah, what a well-deserved reputation.
YY: Oh yeah, David, didn't you mention about introducing me to your good friend Mary?
David: Right, right! I was so preoccupied with drinking tea that I almost forgot all about more important matters. I fixed today for a video call with Mary, so that I can introduce you to each other. Let me boot up the computer and see if she's online yet.

(Switches on the computer and logs on to MSN)

YY: Sure.
David: Actually, Mary wants to learn Chinese, but she can't come to China at the moment, so she's looking for a teacher to teach her Chinese over the internet. This way, she can learn authentic Chinese. Your Chinese is really good, so I'm recommending you to her.
YY: You flatter me, I'll definitely spare no efforts to help out in whatever way I can. You guys use MSN to connect with your family and friends?
David: Yeah, mostly. I do call them occasionally, but for friends in China, I use QQ to communicate with them.
YY: I have many friends studying elsewhere too, we chat on QQ regularly.
David: I'm more familiar with MSN, I only started using QQ after coming to China.
YY: So that's how it is, with MSN and QQ, you can connect with all of us.
David: Yes, I'm really grateful to you and my other Chinese friends, without help from the all of you, I'll surely be very lonely in China.
YY: There's a saying in China that goes like this, "At home, we look to our parents for help; outside, we look to our friends for help." It is only natural that friends should help one another.
David: "At home, we look to our parents for help; outside, we look to our friends for help." Well said, I must bear this phrase in mind. Mary's online, Yang Yang, come, both of you can start by saying hi to each other.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Do you have an MSN account? Do you have a QQ account? If you have Chinese friends, it's best to also get a QQ account.

Lesson Content: Yangyang: David, my home is on the eighth floor of this building.
David: Eighth floor! Your home is really high up!
Yangyang: If we take the elevator, you won't think it so high.
David: Good thing you have an elevator, otherwise, after climbing eight floors, I'd be worn out and gasping for breath!
Yangyang: Here we are, come on in!
David: Wow, Yangyang, your home is really beautiful.
Yangyang: Thanks for the compliment. Have a seat and taste this tieguanyin tea from Anxi that I bought over the Internet.
David: Anxi tieguanyin tea is really famous. I'll definitely give it a try today.
Yangyang: I have never studied tea culture, so you'll just have to drink it as is.
David: A sniff and a fresh fragrance fills the nostrils, a taste and a sweet flavor fills the mouth, mmm, for sure it is deserving of its reputation.
Yangyang: Oh yeah, David, last time you said you would introduce me to your good friend Mary?
David: Right, right, I was so preoccupied with this tea that I almost forgot the reason we were here. I arranged to video chat with Mary today [so that] I could introduce you two [and let you get] to know each other. I'll turn the computer on and see if she's online or not.
Yangyang: Okay.
(Computer boots up and David logs on to MSN)
David: Here's the thing, Mary wants to learn Chinese, but right now she can't come to China to study, so she is looking for a teacher who can use the Internet to teach her. In this way she can study genuine Chinese. Since your Chinese is so good, I recommended you to her.
Yangyang: Not really, but if I can help, I will certainly do all I can. Do you both use MSN to contact family and friends?
David: For the most part, yes. Sometimes we use the telephone. In China however, I use QQ to communicate with Chinese friends.
Yangyang: I also have a lot of friends who are studying elsewhere in China and we often use QQ to chat.
David: I'm pretty familiar with using MSN. I only started using QQ after coming to China.
Yangyang: Oh, so that's how it is. With MSN and QQ, you can maintain your connections with everyone.
David: Absolutely! I am really thankful for you, my Chinese friends. Without your help, I would certainly be lonely here in China.
Yangyang: China has a saying, "At home depend on parents; leaving home depend on friends. " Among friends, it goes without saying that we should help one another.
David: "At home depend on parents; leaving home depend on friends." This is a good saying; I will remember it. Hey, Mary is now online, so come over Yangyang and I'll let you two greet each other.