
    心涛:洋洋,你心目中的男朋友是怎样的?    洋洋:我心目中的男朋友呀,长得又高又帅,还有花不完的钱。    心涛:啊?原来你心目中的白马王子就是"高富帅"呀。可是,高富帅很不安全哦,被甩的风险很大。    洋洋:我知道,只是幻想一下而已。那心涛,你的梦中情人是怎样的?    心涛:我的梦中情人呀,有一头乌黑亮丽的长发,白皙的皮肤,身材高挑,受过良好的教育。哎,说实话,我也很欣赏"白富美"。自古"窈窕淑女,君子好逑"啊。    洋洋:你看你看,刚才还说被甩的风险大呢。    心涛:我只是说说而已,在现实生活里,我可不敢去找白富美。 XT: Yang Yang, what's your ideal boyfriend like?
YY: He must be tall, handsome and have a lot of money.
XT: Huh? So it turns out that your Prince Charming is "Mr. Tall, Handsome and Rich"... but it's not secure to be with a "gāofùshuài;" there's a high risk of getting dumped.
YY: I know. I'm only fantasizing, nothing more. Well, what about you Xin Tao? What's your dream girl like?
XT: My dream girl has long and beautiful ebony hair and has fair-skin; she must be tall and well brought-up. To tell you the truth, I do admire girls who are "fair, gorgeous and affluent." As the old saying goes, fair maidens have always been sought after by gentlemen.
YY: Look at you. Just now you were telling me the danger of being dumped.
XT: I was just talking, that's all. In real life, I wouldn't dare to date any "báifùměi."

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
Have you heard of gāofùshuài? What about báifùměi? In today's lesson, we'll find out who is a gāofùshuài and who is a báifùměi. Lesson Content: XT: Yang Yang, what's your ideal boyfriend like?
YY: He must be tall, handsome and have a lot of money.
XT: Huh? So it turns out that your Prince Charming is "Mr. Tall, Handsome and Rich"... but it's not secure to be with a "gāofùshuài;" there's a high risk of getting dumped.
YY: I know. I'm only fantasizing, nothing more. Well, what about you Xin Tao? What's your dream girl like?
XT: My dream girl has long and beautiful ebony hair and has fair-skin; she must be tall and well brought-up. To tell you the truth, I do admire girls who are "fair, gorgeous and affluent." As the old saying goes, fair maidens have always been sought after by gentlemen.
YY: Look at you. Just now you were telling me the danger of being dumped.
XT: I was just talking, that's all. In real life, I wouldn't dare to date any "báifùměi."