
    心涛:洋洋,你在干嘛呢?    洋洋:我正在学习茶艺呢。    心涛:是嘛,你居然能静心研究茶艺,太不可思议了。    洋洋:周日我的同事们要来我家玩,他们知道我的家乡盛产茶叶,强烈要求我给他们表演茶艺。    心涛:哦,你以前学过吗?    洋洋:别提了,我的家乡确实盛产茶叶。可我从小到大,只顾自己喝茶,哪里留心过人家是怎么选茶,怎么沏茶的。到了这节骨眼儿上,我只好看看书,查查资料,临时抱佛脚了。    心涛:那么,你招待客人的茶叶和茶具都准备好了吗?    洋洋:我从家乡带来了上好的茶叶,只是平时我自己喝,都是用这么大的杯子,从来也没有买过茶具。我想一会儿出门买一套茶具去。    心涛:你要是不嫌弃,我家有一套紫砂壶,可以借给你。    洋洋:平时你不喝茶呀,家里居然有紫砂壶。    心涛:那是一个朋友送给我的。    洋洋:那太好了,一会儿我上你家去取。有了茶叶和茶具,我就可以提前演练演练了。     XT: Yang Yang, what are you doing?
YY: I'm learning the art of tea.
XT: Really? I'm so surprised to see you in quietude, learning the art of tea; it's just inconceivable.
YY: My colleagues are coming over to my place on Sunday. They found out that my hometown produces tea leaves in abundance and insisted that I perform a tea ceremony for them.
XT: I see, so you learned it before?
YY: Let's not talk about that. Although tea leaves are produced in my hometown, I was only concerned with drinking tea. I never paid any attention on how to choose tea leaves and how to brew tea. Now at this crucial moment, I can only refer to books and check out some details, making a last-minute effort [lit. professing devotion only when in trouble].
XT: In that case, have you prepared the tea leaves and tea set to serve your guests with?
YY: I brought some top-grade tea leaves from my hometown. It's just that when I drink tea by myself, I normally drink it from this mug. I never bought any tea set before. I'm thinking of going out in awhile to buy a tea set.
XT: If you don't mind, I have a purple-clay tea set at home, I can lend it to you.
YY: You don't normally drink tea and now all of a sudden you own a purple-clay teapot?
XT: A friend gave it to me as a present.
YY: That's great, I'll go over to your place to pick it up in awhile. With tea leaves and a tea set, I can practice in advance.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
In the eyes of the Chinese people, drinking tea is not merely to quench their thirst and refresh themselves, it is also about appreciating it as an art. Today, our host, Yang Yang, will be learning the art of tea. Let's tune in and find out more. Lesson Content: XT: Yang Yang, what are you doing?
YY: I'm learning the art of tea.
XT: Really? I'm so surprised to see you in quietude, learning the art of tea; it's just inconceivable.
YY: My colleagues are coming over to my place on Sunday. They found out that my hometown produces tea leaves in abundance and insisted that I perform a tea ceremony for them.
XT: I see, so you learned it before?
YY: Let's not talk about that. Although tea leaves are produced in my hometown, I was only concerned with drinking tea. I never paid any attention on how to choose tea leaves and how to brew tea. Now at this crucial moment, I can only refer to books and check out some details, making a last-minute effort [lit. professing devotion only when in trouble].
XT: In that case, have you prepared the tea leaves and tea set to serve your guests with?
YY: I brought some top-grade tea leaves from my hometown. It's just that when I drink tea by myself, I normally drink it from this mug. I never bought any tea set before. I'm thinking of going out in awhile to buy a tea set.
XT: If you don't mind, I have a purple-clay tea set at home, I can lend it to you.
YY: You don't normally drink tea and now all of a sudden you own a purple-clay teapot?
XT: A friend gave it to me as a present.
YY: That's great, I'll go over to your place to pick it up in awhile. With tea leaves and a tea set, I can practice in advance.