
    老包是浙江人,他的毛竹林里,长出过遂昌县最大的一个冬笋。冬笋藏在土层的下面,从竹林的表面上看,什么也没有,老包只需要看一下竹梢的叶子颜色,就能知道笋的准确位置,这完全有赖于他丰富的经验。     笋的保鲜从来都是个很大的麻烦,笋只是一个芽,是整个植物机体活动最旺盛的部分。聪明的老包保护冬笋的方法很简单,扒开松松的泥土,把笋重新埋起来,保湿,这样的埋藏方式就地利用自然,可以保鲜两周以上。     在中国的四大菜系里,都能见到冬笋。厨师偏爱它,也是因为笋的材质单纯,极易吸收配搭食物的滋味。    圣武和茂荣是兄弟俩,每年9月,他们都会来到湖北的嘉鱼县,来采挖一种自然的美味。这种植物生长在湖水下面深深的淤泥之中,茂荣挖到的植物的根茎叫做莲藕,是一种湖泊中高产的蔬菜。     作为职业挖藕人,每年茂荣和圣武要只身出门7个月,采藕的季节,他们就从老家安徽赶到有藕的地方。较高的人工报酬使得圣武和茂荣愿意从事这个艰苦的工作。挖藕的人喜欢天气寒冷,这并不是因为天冷好挖藕,而是天气冷买藕吃藕汤的人就多一些,藕的价格就会涨。     整整一湖的莲藕还要采摘5个月的时间,在嘉鱼县的珍湖上,300个职业挖藕人,每天从日出延续到日落,在中国遍布淡水湖的大省,这样场面年年上演。     今天当我们有权远离自然,享受美食的时候,最应该感谢的是这些通过劳动和智慧成就餐桌美味的人们。 Laobao is native to Zhejiang. The largest winter bamboo shoots once grew in his bamboo forest. The winter bamboo shoots grow under the soil layer, so people can see nothing from the surface of soil. However, Laobao can know the exact position of the bamboo shoots as long as he sees the color of leaves, which depends totally on his abundant experiences.

It's difficult to retain the bamboo shoots' freshness, because bamboo shoots, as buds, are the most active part of the whole plant. Laobao is very clever that he uses a very simple but effective way to retain freshness. He buries them under the soil to keep the circumstance moist. In this way, the bamboo shoots can be kept fresh for more than two weeks.

People use winter bamboo shoots to cook, and they are always used in the four cuisine traditions in China. They are favored by cooks because of their pure components and because they can easily absorb the taste of other food.

Shengwu and Maorong are brothers. They will come to the Jiayu Village in Hubei every year on September to dig out a delicious food, which grow deep in the silt under the river. What they get is called lotus root, a high-yielding vegetable in rivers.

As experts of digging out lotus roots, the brothers set off, from homeland Anhui to the places where the lotus grow, for seven months when the right season comes. They are willing to do this job because high salary. The people digging lotus roots favor the cold days not because it's easier to dig lotus roots when the weather is cold, but because people buy more lotus roots to make soup, resulting in the increasing price of lotus roots.

There will be 5months needed to dig out all the lotus roots of the river. The scene, which three hundred people keep working all day long in the Zhen River of Jiayu Village, is saw every year in the provinces having rivers.

Today we have to thank the people who work with their strength and wisdom to provide the delicious food when we enjoy the food without stepping into the nature in person.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
Bamboo shoots and lotus roots are the food of Chinese, and the gifts Chinese get from the nature. Lesson Content: Laobao is native to Zhejiang. The largest winter bamboo shoots once grew in his bamboo forest. The winter bamboo shoots grow under the soil layer, so people can see nothing from the surface of soil. However, Laobao can know the exact position of the bamboo shoots as long as he sees the color of leaves, which depends totally on his abundant experiences.

It's difficult to retain the bamboo shoots' freshness, because bamboo shoots, as buds, are the most active part of the whole plant. Laobao is very clever that he uses a very simple but effective way to retain freshness. He buries them under the soil to keep the circumstance moist. In this way, the bamboo shoots can be kept fresh for more than two weeks.

People use winter bamboo shoots to cook, and they are always used in the four cuisine traditions in China. They are favored by cooks because of their pure components and because they can easily absorb the taste of other food.

Shengwu and Maorong are brothers. They will come to the Jiayu Village in Hubei every year on September to dig out a delicious food, which grow deep in the silt under the river. What they get is called lotus root, a high-yielding vegetable in rivers.

As experts of digging out lotus roots, the brothers set off, from homeland Anhui to the places where the lotus grow, for seven months when the right season comes. They are willing to do this job because high salary. The people digging lotus roots favor the cold days not because it's easier to dig lotus roots when the weather is cold, but because people buy more lotus roots to make soup, resulting in the increasing price of lotus roots.

There will be 5months needed to dig out all the lotus roots of the river. The scene, which three hundred people keep working all day long in the Zhen River of Jiayu Village, is saw every year in the provinces having rivers.

Today we have to thank the people who work with their strength and wisdom to provide the delicious food when we enjoy the food without stepping into the nature in person.