
    心涛:为什么今天大家都吃饺子呢?    洋洋:今天是冬至啊!在中国北方,冬至时吃饺子,你就入乡随俗吧。    心涛:冬至?这是什么节日?    洋洋:它是中国二十四节气中的一个节日,是中华民族的传统节日。    心涛:可是冬至为什么要吃饺子呢?    洋洋:民间传说,冬至是为了纪念医圣张仲景。张仲景发明了"怯寒娇耳汤",治好了很多人的病。据说,"娇耳"就是现在"饺子"的原型。    心涛:原来冬至吃饺子还有这样的典故。    洋洋:嗯,冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天,过了冬至,白天就会一天天地变长。    心涛:是呀,你看,这才五点半,天就这么黑了。    洋洋:五点半了呀?心涛,你喜欢吃什么馅儿的饺子,晚上我请你吃饺子。     心涛:我是素食者,只要是素馅儿的饺子,我就喜欢。 XT: Why are all the people eating jiaozi(Chinese dumplings) today?
YY: Today is the Winter Solstice! In the north of China, people eat jiaozi on the day of Winter Solstice; you'd better do as the Romans do.
XT: The Winter Solstice? What festival is this?
YY: It is one of the twenty-four solar terms and a traditional Chinese festival.
XT: But why people eat jiaozi today?
YY: According to folklore, the Winter Solstice is in honor of medical sage Zhang Zhongjing. Zhang Zhongjing created a soup named "delicate ears in the use of dispelling coldness ", which cured many sick people. It was said that "delicate ears" is the prototype of "jiaozi".
XT: Eating jiaozi in the day of Winter Solstice turns out to be derived from such a classical allusion.
YY: Well, the Winter Solstice is the day of the shortest day and of the longest night all over the year in the North Hemisphere. After the Winter Solstice, the day will be become longer day by day.
XT: Yeah, look, it has already turned dark but it's only half past five now.
YY: How time flies! XinTao, which stuffing for jiaozi do you prefer? Let's go to eat jiaozi. It's my treat.
XT: I'm a vegetarian; I can eat any kind of stuffing as long as it contains only vegetables.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
The Winter Solstice means "the winter has arrived". The Winter Solstice is also one of the twenty-four solar terms. At this time of year, there are many special local customs and traditions. Let's listen to it together. Lesson Content: XT: Why are all the people eating jiaozi(Chinese dumplings) today?
YY: Today is the Winter Solstice! In the north of China, people eat jiaozi on the day of Winter Solstice; you'd better do as the Romans do.
XT: The Winter Solstice? What festival is this?
YY: It is one of the twenty-four solar terms and a traditional Chinese festival.
XT: But why people eat jiaozi today?
YY: According to folklore, the Winter Solstice is in honor of medical sage Zhang Zhongjing. Zhang Zhongjing created a soup named "delicate ears in the use of dispelling coldness ", which cured many sick people. It was said that "delicate ears" is the prototype of "jiaozi".
XT: Eating jiaozi in the day of Winter Solstice turns out to be derived from such a classical allusion.
YY: Well, the Winter Solstice is the day of the shortest day and of the longest night all over the year in the North Hemisphere. After the Winter Solstice, the day will be become longer day by day.
XT: Yeah, look, it has already turned dark but it's only half past five now.
YY: How time flies! XinTao, which stuffing for jiaozi do you prefer? Let's go to eat jiaozi. It's my treat.
XT: I'm a vegetarian; I can eat any kind of stuffing as long as it contains only vegetables.