

There are two types of questions: yes/no questions and specific questions (asking for a concreteaspect of a statement).
  • Yes/No questions:
    [[ The inflected verb is put at the beginning of the sentence ]] or
    [[ Inflected modal verb + subject + other parts (e.g., object) + verb ]]
    Kommst du? (Are you coming?)
    Habe ich geschlafen? (Did I sleep?)
    Können Sie Englisch Sprechen? (Do you speak English?)
    Darf ich das Fenster aufmachen? (May I open the window?)
  • Asking for subject or object:
    [[ Interrogative pronoun + inflected verb + the rest ]]
    Welchen Ring hast du deiner Frau gekauft? (Which ring did you buy your wife?)
    Without knowing the gender and number of the noun, one can replace these pronouns by short forms:
    Was hast du deiner Frau gekauft? (What did you buy your wife?)
    Was machst du jetzt? (What are you doing now?)
    Wer geht ins Kino? (Who is going to the cinema?)
    SHORT FORMSPersonThing
  • Asking for a predicative:
    [[ Interrogative pronoun "Was" for nominal phrase, and "Wie" for else ]]
    Was ist ein Schmetterling? (What is a butterfly?)
    If asking for an adverb of a predicative, use "Wie":
    Wie hoch ist der Baum? (How tall is the tree?)
  • Asking for a possessor:
    [[ Possessive interrogative article ("wessen" for all cases, genders and numbers) + inverted statement (inflected verb + the rest) ]]
    Wessen Auto hast du gesehen? (Whose car did you see?)
    Wessen hast du gesehen? (Whose did you see?) (Note: Wessen is now a pronoun)
  • Asking for an adverb:
    [[ Interrogative pronoun (Wie) + conjugated verb + subject + rest of the sentence ]]
    Wie fliegt der Vogel am Himmel? (How does the bird fly in the sky?)
    Wie schnell fliegt der Vogel? (How fast does the bird fly?)
  • Asking for position or adverbial clause:
    [[ Interrogative pronoun / "(preposition) + nominal phrase with the interrogative article" + conjugated verb + subject + rest of the sentence ]]
    Auf welchem Baum sah er den Vogel? (In which tree did he see the bird?)
    In welchem Jahr wurde dein Hund geboren? (In which year was your dog born?)
    Without knowing the gender and number of the noun, or even the kind of preposition, one almost always uses the short form, for example,
    Wo sah er den Vogel? (Where did he see the bird?)
    Wann wurde dein Hund geboren? (When was your dog born?)

    (Some Interrogative pronouns: Wo (where), Woher (from where), Wohin, Wann (when), Wieso (how come?), Weshalb (why), Warum (why), Weswegen (=weshalb))

German Nouns and Cases

A German noun has one of three grammatical genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), expressed by these articles: der, das, die.
  1. Masculine Nouns:
    • Male person/animal: der Mann (man), der Sohn (son), der Arbeiter (worker)
    • Natural phenomena (rain, wind, snow, frost, etc.), season, month, and week name: der Regen (rain), der Schnee (snow), der Fruehling (spring), der Sommer (summer), der Herbst (autumn), der Winter (winter), der Januar (January), der Montag (Monday)
    • Direction words: der Osten (east), der Westen (west), der Norden (north)
    • Names of rocks: der Stein (stone), der Diamant (diamond)
    • Most derived-from-verb nouns and without any suffix: der Kauf (purchase), der Gang (walking; passage)
    • Most nouns with suffixes -er, -el, -ling, -s, -ich, and -ig: der Lehrer (teacher), der Schlüssel (key), der Schnaps (liquor)
    • Most nouns ended with -en (except those ending with -chen and infinitives used as nouns, such as: das Brötchen (roll, bun)): der Boden (earth), der Wagen (car)
    • Most nouns with loanword suffixes -ant, -ar, -at, -al, -ent, -eur, -ier, -or, -ist, -ismus, and -us: der Laborant (laboratory assistant), der Student (student), der Soldat (soldier), der General (general), der Doktor (doctor), der Sozialismus (socialism)
  2. Feminine Nouns:
    • Female person/animal: die Frau (wife), die Kuh (cow)
    • Most names of flowers, trees and fruits: die Rose (rose), die Eiche (oak)
    • Number: die Eins (one), die Zwei (two), die Drei (three), die Neun (nine)
    • Nouns with the suffix of -in: die Arbeiterin (workwoman), die Studentin (female student)
    • Many nouns that end with -e: die Tasse (cup), die Frage (question)
    • Nouns with suffixes -ei, -heit, -keit, -schaft, -t(d), -ung: die Gesundheit (healthiness), die Gesellschaft (association,company), die Zeitung (paper)
    • All nouns with loanword suffixes -age, -enz, -esse, -euse, -ie, -ik, -ion, -itis, -taet, -ur: die Existenz (existence, living; life), die Politik (politics)
  3. Neuter Nouns:
    • Young people and animals, and general animal names (both male and female): das Kind (child), das Kalb (calf), das Pferd (horse), das Rind (beef)
    • Names of cities, continents and most countries: das China (China), das Deutschland (Germany), das Paris (Paris)
    • Almost all names of metals and chemical elements: das Eisen (iron), das Gold (gold), das Jod (iodine)
    • All infinitives used as nouns: das Leben (life), das Denken (thought)
    • All other nominalized words: das Ich (self),das Blau (blue)
    • Nouns with suffixes -chen , -lein , -sal , -sel or with prefix ge-: das Vöglein (bird), das Schicksal (fate)
    • Nouns with loanword suffixes -ett, -ment, -um: das Dokument (document), das Datum (date)
    • Collective nouns without suffixes -schaft, -ei: das Volk (people), das Besteck (cutlery, silverware)
A German noun has singular and plural forms. From Singular to Plural, there are following types of declension: 1) add suffix -e; 2) add suffix -en or -n; 3) add no suffix; 4) add suffix -er; 5) add suffix -s.

General rules of Declension

-(e)s, -eder Bergdes Berg(e)sBerg(e)BergBergeBergen
-(e)s, -erdas Bilddes Bild(e)sBild(e)BildBilderBildern
-(e)s, -ender Staatdes Staat(e)sStaat(e)StaatStaatenStaaten
-s, -der Fahrer,
ein Vater
des Fahrers,
eines Vaters
einem Vater
einen Vater
die Väter
den Vätern
-s, -eder Lehrlingdes LehrlingsLehrlingLehrlingLehrlingeLehrlingen
-s, -sdas Radiodes RadiosRadioRadioRadiosRadios
-en, -ender Studentdes StudentenStudentenStudentenStudentenStudenten
-, -die Mutterder MutterMutterMutterMütterMüttern
-, -endie Meinungder MeinungMeinungMeinungMeinungenMeinungen
-, -edie Kraftder KraftKraftKraftKräfteKräften
-ns, -nder Namedes NamensNamenNamenNamenNamen
Irregular declensions
 der Herrdes Herrndem Herrnden HerrnHerrenden Herren
 das Herzdes Herzensdem Herz(en)das HerzHerzenden Herzen
German inflects nouns, adjectives and pronouns into four grammatical cases.
Grammatical functions of German cases:
1) Nominative (Wer?): The subject of a sentence, the thing doing the action.
2) Genitive (Wessen?): The possessor of something, or the object of certain other prepositions. It's expressed in English by the possessive "of" or an apostrophe-s ('s).
3) Dative (Wem?): The indirect object, as in when an object is given to someone, or the object of certain other prepositions.
4) Accusative (Wen?): The direct object, the thing which is directly receiving the action, or the object of certain prepositions.

German Prefixes

Verb Example: legen (to lay)
ab-to lay downto lay down, to abandon sth.
an-to lay onto attach sth.
auf-to lay upto apply
aus-to lay outto lay sth. out
be-to lay sth. on sth.to overlay
bei-to lay at/byto add
dar-to lay thereto point sth. out
ein-to lay into inlay
er---bring down, to kill
hin-to lay therelay down, put down
nach---to put more on
nieder-to lay downto lay down
über-to lay overto think about sth.
um-to lay around/over againlay around, to kill
ent-far away(adj. outlying, remote)
unter-to lay underunderlay, (disadvantaged, underprivileged)
ver-(deviation; away)embarrassed, sheepish
vor-to lay before sth.present, exhibit
weg-to lay awayto put away
wider---to disprove
zer-to lay sth. in piecesto dismantle
zu-to lay to sth.to put on
zusammen-to lay togethermerge, fold
zurück-to lay behindput aside; set by (=zurück legen)
