
管汤姆•克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)之前几部影片反响平平,但这一次他凭借电影《遗落战境》(Oblivion)又向世人证明,他仍是好莱坞的票房吸金高手。上周末首映的《遗落战境》获得的票房是汤姆•克鲁斯从影以来最高周末首映票房之一。据发行方康卡斯特公司(Comcast Corp.)旗下环球影业(Universal Pictures)的估计,这部科幻电影在美国和加拿大获得了总计3,820万美元的票房。对这个预算级别的影片来说,这样一个开头即便不算完美也可以说是相当强劲。

Proving that Tom Cruise still has mass Hollywood appeal even after his last few flops, 'Oblivion' delivered one of the star's biggest ever openings at the box office this weekend.

据了解制作情况的人士透露,《遗落战境》的制作成本约为1.5亿美元。电影工作室的一名发言人说,扣除因在英国和路易斯安那等地拍摄的税收抵免后,最终成本为1.2亿美元。环球影业也通过对冲基金公司Elliott Associates LP管理的一只基金出资参与电影制作。

The science-fiction film grossed $38.2 million in the U.S. and Canada, according to an estimate from distributor Universal Pictures, owned by Comcast Corp. CMCSA +1.43% That is a solid, if not fantastic, start for a movie of its size.


'Oblivion' cost about $150 million to produce, according to a person involved in the production. A studio spokeswoman said the final cost after tax credits from shooting locations including the United Kingdom and Louisiana was $120 million. Universal co-financed the movie with a fund managed by hedge fund Elliott Associates LP.


The best news for the picture came overseas, where Mr. Cruise has remained far more popular than in the U.S. and where special effects-laden movies tend to do better. After two weeks in theaters in most foreign countries, 'Oblivion' has grossed $112 million overseas.

对汤姆•克鲁斯而言,该影片的强劲票房让他得以一洗过去三年三部影片的表现均不尽人意的耻辱。这三部影片分别是《烈探狙击》(Jack Reacher)、《摇滚年代》(Rock of Ages)和《危情谍战》(Knight & Day)。

It has done particularly well in Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany and South Korea. Next month it will open in China.

《遗落战境》是汤姆•克鲁斯从影以来首映周末票房收入第五高的影片,也是《碟中谍》(Mission: Impossible)系列之外首映周末票房收入第二高的影片,仅次于2005年的影片《世界大战》(War of the Worlds)。

For Mr. Cruise, the film's solid performance provides some redemption after a trio of disappointments in the past three years: 'Jack Reacher,' 'Rock of Ages' and 'Knight & Day.'

环球影业负责国内影片发行的总裁罗科(Nikki Rocco)说,看到汤姆的电影首映大卖真让人感到宽慰。

'Oblivion' was the star's fifth-biggest opening ever and the second biggest outside of the successful 'Mission: Impossible' series, behind only 2005's 'War of the Worlds.'


'It's so gratifying to show that Tom can open a film,' said Nikki Rocco, Universal's president of domestic distribution.

影评人士对该片的态度有褒有贬,观众的反响也是如此。根据研究机构CinemaScore的数据,首映当晚买票观影的观众的平均评分为B-。这令人怀疑《遗落战境》是否能在国内市场保持佳绩,尤其是在两周之后众人高度期待的《钢铁侠3》(Iron Man 3)即将首映的情况下。

With 'Oblivion,' Universal made the increasingly rare move in Hollywood of producing a costly movie that isn't a sequel or based on a well known comic book, novel or videogame.

上周末另外一部票房表现引人注目的电影是讲述杰基•罗宾森(Jackie Robinson)生平的传记影片《42号传奇》(42)。该片上周末的票房收入相比前一周末仅下降了34%,至1,800万美元,表明该片的口碑非常强劲。上上周该片首映的时候,该片在CinemaScore的得分是A+。

Reviews were mixed, as were audience reactions. The average score from opening night ticket buyers was a B-, according to market research firm CinemaScore. That raises questions about whether 'Oblivion' will hold well in the domestic marketplace, particularly with the highly anticipated 'Iron Man 3' opening in just two weeks.

两个周末过去之后,《42号传奇》已经吸金总计5,400万美元,对一部制作成本仅为4,000万美元的电影来说这个成绩相当不俗。该片的出资方是传奇影业公司(Legendary Pictures LLC),发行方是时代华纳(Time Warner Inc.)旗下的华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)。

The other notable box-office performance this weekend came from the Jackie Robinson biopic '42.' Its ticket sales declined only 34% to $18 million, signaling that word-of-mouth is very strong on the movie, which received an A+ CinemaScore when it opened last week.