
Apple Inc. was hit New Year's Eve by an armed robbery at one of the company's Paris stores, the first major robbery of an Apple store in France.

果公司(Apple Inc.)旗下一家位于巴黎的专卖店在新年前夜遭到武装劫匪的抢劫,这是苹果专卖店在法国遭遇的首个重大劫案。

At about 9 p.m. local time Monday, armed suspects broke into the Apple store behind the Palais Garnier and stole Apple products, a police representative said Tuesday. The Palais Garnier houses the Paris Opera and is near the Galeries Lafayette department store.

一名警方代表周二说,周一晚上当地时间大约9点,武装嫌疑人闯入那家位于加尼耶宫(Palais Garnier)后面的苹果专卖店,盗窃了苹果的产品。巴黎歌剧院(Paris Opera)就在加尼耶宫里,附近是老佛爷百货公司(Galeries Lafayette)。

The person said Paris police are investigating the theft but couldn't provide more details.


According to French news reports, the loss from the robbery was estimated at about 1 million, or roughly $1.25 million.


The police couldn't confirm that amount. 'It is too early to give an accurateestimation of the damage. An inventory is taking place to determine the exact amount of the damage,' a Paris police spokeswoman said. The price of an iPhone 5 is typically 679 ($895) in France.

这一数字并未得到警方证实。巴黎警方发言人说,现在给出准确的损失金额还为时过早,有关人员正在整理库存清单,以确定具体的损失量。智能手机iPhone 5在法国的售价通常为679欧元(合895美元)。

Apple didn't return phone calls seeking comment.


The store had closed about three hours before the robbery. A security guard and a cleaner were in the store when two suspects broke in through an employee entrance and attacked the employees, injuring one of them slightly, according to French daily Le Figaro.

在发生抢劫大约三小时前,这家苹果专卖店就已闭门停止营业。据法国《费加罗报》(Le Figaro)报道,两名犯罪嫌疑人通过员工通道闯入店内,当时店里有一名保安和一名清洁员,两人均受到袭击,其中一人受轻伤。