
When you combine a cellphone's proximity to your ears, nose and mouth with its bacteria-loving warmth, the result can be harmful to your health. This hazard, says Jeffrey Cain, the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians and chief of family medicine at Children's Hospital Colorado, often goes unnoticed. 'Some things we think are personal are actually more public than we imagine.' Viruses from a phone can cause flu, pinkeye or diarrhea, says Dr. Cain.

电话时,手机需要与你的耳朵、鼻子和嘴亲密接触,这时手机的温度也恰好是细菌所喜欢的。这两个因素合在一起,其结果足以伤害你的健康。据美国家庭医生学会(American Academy of Family Physicians)会长、美国科罗拉多州儿童医院(Children's Hospital Colorado)家庭医学科主任杰弗里•凯恩(Jeffrey Cain)称,这一危害往往会被忽视。凯恩博士表示,"一些我们以为很私人化的东西实际上对公众所造成影响比我们想象中要大。"一部手机上的病菌有可能引发流感、传染性结膜炎或者腹泻。

For people who want to keep a clean touch screen, there is a disconnect between what doctors and medical researchers advise and what device makers suggest for phone sanitizing.


While products are marketed specifically for mobile-phone cleaning, they can sometimes damage the phone's screen coating or fail to remove 100% of the germs.


Even though computers, keys, pens and landline phones can harbor germs, many people's cellphones have become extra appendages