
1 完型填空


3 通读上下文,摸清大意。2. 根据上下文,查找线索词。3. 运用词汇知识进行选择。

4.运用语法知识进行选择。5. 运用搭配知识确定答案。6. 运用一般常识确定最佳答案。

7.运用排除法填正确选项。8. 根据句子意思填答案。9. 利用词汇重复关系或复现关系填空。10. 先易后难,利用已选出的正确答案帮助推断未知答案。11. 灵活处理,切莫死扣硬套。12. 注意检查,消除疏漏,同时不要轻易否定第一次选择。


In recent year, more and more foreigners are involved in the teaching programs of the United States. Both the advantages and disadvantages (1) using faculty(教师)from foreign countries (2) teaching positions have to be (3), of course. It can be said that (4) that makes the faulty member from abroad an asset(财富)also (5) problems of adjustment, both for the university and for the individual.

The foreign research scholar usually isolates (6) in the laboratory as a means of protection; (7), what he needs is to be fitted (8) a highly organized university system quite different from (9) at home. He is faced in his daily work (10) differences in philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of teaching. Both the visiting professor and his students (11) background in each other's cultures. Some (12) of what is already in the minds of American students is (13) by the foreign professor. While helping him to (14) himself to his new environment, the university must also (15) certain adjustments in order to (16) full advantage of what the newcomer can (17). It isn't always known how to make (18) use of foreign faculty, especially at smaller colleges. This is thought to be a (19) where further study is called (20). The findings of such a study will be of value to colleges and universities with foreign faulty.

1. A. with B. for C. of D. at

2. A. in B. on C. for D. within

3. A. thought B. measured C. balanced D. considered

4. A. situation B. circumstance C. background D. condition

5. A. carries B. creates C. emerges D. solves

6. A. himself B. oneself C. him D. one

7. A. otherwise B. moreover C. however D. also

8. A. into B. by C. to D. with

9. A. those B. which C. what D. that

10. A. toward B. with C. to D. at

11. A. have B. possess C. need D. lack

12. A. concept B. feeling C. plan D. intelligence

13. A. ordered B. asked C. insisted D. required

14. A. place B. adapt C. put D. direct

15. A. remain B. keep C. make D. cause

16. A. take B. make C. do D. be

17. A. show B. afford C. express D. offer

18. A. powerful B. creative C. imaginary D. advanced

19. A. scope B. range C. field D. district

20. A. on B. for C. upon D. at



1. 反义词的误用

Example : People are earning higher wages and salaries. This leads to changes in the way of life. As income goes down, people may not want more food to eat or more clothes to wear. (up---down)

2. 连接词的误用

Example: In 1860, because some of the farm population had moved to the city, yet eighty percent of the American population was still in the country. (because---although)

3. 介词的错误

Example: But perhaps we should look at both sides of the coin before arriving hasty conclusions. (arriving at hasty)

4. 指代错误

Example: A man surrounded by flames and smoke generally considers that jumping out of a second-floor window is an acceptable risk to save its life. (its---his)

5. 关系代词的错误

Example: Finally, the university closely approximates the real world and which provides a relaxed, impersonal, and sometimes anonymous existence; on the contrary, the intimate atmosphere of the small college allows the student four years of structural living in which to expect and prepare for the real world. (which---this)


Example: Sensitive people have been mirroring their friends and acquaintances all their lives, and winning affection and respect in this way without aware of their methods. (being)

7. 主谓不一致的错误观点

Example: Traditionally, work determines our way of life. But if 98 percent of us doesn't need to work, what are we going to do with ourselves? (doesn't---don't)


Example: Dishwashers washing machines do jobs that were once done by the hand. (by hand)


Example: There may be sound medicine reasons for accepting electrical shock treatment, but such reasons are totallydependent on the balance of risks and benefits for the patients. (medicine---medical)


Example: Clearly some risks worth taking, especially when the rewards are high: a man surrounded by flames and smoke generally considers that jumping out of a second-floor window is an acceptable risk to save his life. (risks are worth)


Example: In part, technology has caused the population explosion; many of us won't now be alive if it weren't for advances in health, agriculture and industry. (won't---wouldn't)


Example: This tendency of technology to make workers superfluous at the same time allowing their numbers to grow up so large is decreasing psychological tensions. (grow up---grow)

The place of the child in society has varied for thousands of years and

has been effected by different cultures and religions. In ancient times un- 1._____

wanted children were occasionally abandoned, put to death, being exploi- 2.______

ted, or offered for religious sacrifices, and in any event a large percentage

of them didn't survive their physicallyhazardous existence to reach to. In 3._____

Western civilization within the last few hundred years, there have been man-

y changes in attitude with the young. In agricultural Europe, and later with 4._____

the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the children of the poor work 5._____

long hours for little or no pay, and there was no public concern on their 6._____

safety or welfare. Punishment could be brutal and severe.

By the eighteenth century the harsh and severe methods began to show

any change. Society slowly accorded(给予)children a role of importance. 7._____

Books were written expressly for them and gradually laws were passing for 8._____

their protection. Efforts were made to create for them a life better than their


In the past few decades parents have become more and more attentive

for the needs of their children. Better health care is available and education 9._____

is no longer reserving for the children from wealthy families. 10._____

3 简答题得高分基本原则

4 用1分钟的时间,先浏览文章后给出的问题,了解各题询问的内容以确定它们的类型,做到在阅读文章时心中有数,带着明确的目的阅读。此外,一定要看清题目。

5 用5分钟左右的时间仔细阅读原文。阅读时,凭借脑中对各题所问内容的印象,捕捉与之相关的信息,并在原文中将相关的重要句子、短语或词汇划线做记号。

6 一遍读完即可回答各题,在试题册的空白处草拟出答案。如果有的题目较难,不能马上找到答案,可再仔细阅读原文中与该题有关的部分。

7 答案拟好后再写到答题纸上。最后花一、两分钟再检查一下,看各题答案是否准确。有可靠的依据。

Loneliness is a curious thing. Most of us can remember feeling most lonely when we were

not in fact alone at all, but when we were surrounded by people. Everyone has experienced, at

some time, that utter sense of isolation that comes over you when you're at a party or in an

audience at a lecture. It suddenly seems to you as if everybody knows everybody else; everybody

is sure of himself; everybody, that is, except you.

This feeling of loneliness which can overcome you when you are in a crowd is very

difficult to get rid of. People living alone are advised to tackle their loneliness by joining a club

or a society, by going out and meeting people. Does this really help?

There are no easy solutions. Your first day at work, or at a new school or university, is a

typical situation in which you are likely to feel lonely. You feel that everybody else is full of

confidence and knows what to do, but you are adrift and helpless. The fact of the mater is that, in

order to survive, we all put on a show of self-confidence to hide our uncertainties and doubts.

In a big city it is particularly easy to get the feeling that everybody except you is leading a

full, rich busy life. Everybody is going somewhere, and you tend to assume that they are going

somewhere nice and interesting, whereas your destination is less exciting and fulfilling.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

2. We feel mostly lonely when we __________.

3. What do people usually do to tackle their loneliness?

4. Why do we try to hide our sense of loneliness when we start a new job?

What do you tend to assume other's life to be

5. What do you tend to assume other's life to be when you are in a big city?

4 词汇

5 词汇填空类型

6 短语

The store had to ____ a number of clerks because sales were down.

A. lay out B. lay aside C. lay off D. lay down

2) 搭配

The soldiers was ____ of running away when the enemy attacked.

A. scolded B. charged C. accused D. punished


This hotel ____ 60 for a single room with bath.

A. claims B. demands C. prices D. charges


Professor Taylors talk has indicated that science has a very strong ____ on the everyday lifeof non scientists as well as scientists.

A. motivation B. perspective C.impression D. impact


Last year the advertising rate ____ by 20 percent.

A. raised B. aroused C. arose D. rose



Jane was hit on the head by thr robber and was knocked ____.

A. mindless B. unaware C. brainless D.unconscious


As a mother, she is too ____ towards her daughter. She should let her see more of the world.

A. hopeful B. protective C. modest D. confident


The boss was ____ that wages be raised.

A. agreed B. announced C. proposed D. planned


When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon ____ it.

A. got off B. got across C. got away D. got over


The students were participating ____ an international energy-saving competition between towns in New England and Canada.

A. for B. in C. to D. at




1) 惊语法


Each year thousands of graduates flood the job market, waving their college diplomas and certificates, expecting better jobs in their majors, only to be frustrated and disappointed......

2) 引语法


Can you make a horse drink even if you can lead it to the water? In my opinion, compulsory class attendance does more harm than good.

3) 对立法


There seems to be an increased tendency that when a person is dying of a form of cancer, or other kinds of incurable diseases. His family will send him to a hospital, no matter how much it may cost. They think that this is a correct expression of their love for him, for he can receive the best possible medical and surgical treatment at a hospital. Despite their good intentions However, I believe, a dying person should spend his last remaining days at home, with his family around and in the warmth of their love.



Should a scientist be responsible for his discoveries? To some people, the answer is negative. They think the scientist's role is to make the discovery and provide knowledge. What happens afterwards is not his concern.



Euthanasia, a word not often heard of suddenly has made the headlines frequently. According to the dictionary, euthanasia means mercy killing. It is an act of putting to death painlessly a person suffering from an incurable and painful disease......



In the past decade the rate of teenager smoking has almost tripled: it rose from 8 percent in 1982 to 23 percent in 1992.At the same time, the age of the smokers has dropped;......



Advertisements, perhaps, are the most omnipresent in a big city such as Shanghai. They shout at us from the television screen and the radio loudspeakers; wave to us from every page of the newspaper and magazine, gaze at us from the roadside buildings and passing vehicles all day and signal to us in colored lights all nights......



Perhaps nothing is more important and dominant in the modern Chinese family than television. According to a nationwide poll, Chinese adults watch an average of four hours of television daily, children watch even more.

2 文章怎样结尾?

4) 重复5) 引言部分提出的观点,6) 进一步点明主题,7) 形成一个循环,8) 以取得首尾呼应的效果。

9) 就文章讨论的问题,10) 提出解决的方法或建设性的建议,11) 指12) 明努力的方向。

13) 进一步深化主题,14) 指15) 出其更深远的意义。

16) 指17) 出所讨论的问题可能产生的消极影响以及如不18) 及时加以纠正可能产生的严重后果。

19) 如果用的是归纳性结构,20) 即文章的主要观点放在末尾来表达的,21) 那么结尾部分就要对全文阐述的内容进行概括和总结。

(说明:要避免下列结尾 1)画蛇添足。文章写完了,发现字数不够,就随便加上几句。而这几句恰好游离于文章的中心思想之外,或与其观点恰好相反。2)空喊口号。用口号来结尾的文章,自以为有力量,实际上最空洞无力。如:Do it now! Do it from ourselves! Let's make our city greener!等。3)表决心。把中文文章结尾常用的"今后我决心... "句型搬过来。)

3 文章怎样连贯?

22) 过渡词的运用

4 举例:for example, for instance, as a case in point, as an illustration, namely.

5 比较:similarly, likewise, in the same way, equallyimportant, in common.

6 对照:on the contrary, on the other hand, whereras, rather than, instead.

7 让步:neverthless, however, admittedly, in spite of, even though, granted that.

8 原因:owing to, due to, on account of, on the ground of, as a result of.

9 结果:thus, consequently,hence, therefore, accordingly, for this reason.

10 强调:chiefly, especially, indeed, in fact, most important of all, no doubt.

11 列举:in the first place, to begin with, next, what is more, for one thing, for another.

12 总结:in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, on the whole, to sum up.

23) 实词的运用

(1) 重复(2) 关键词 (2)运用同(3) 义词。同(4) 义词的使用不(5) 仅避免了用词单调,而(6) 且加强上下文意思的连贯。 (3)运用反义词。反义词虽散落在各个句子里,(7) 但依靠它们表示出来的反义关系把这些句子从意义上联系起来了。(4)运用语义场。通过在1同(8) 的句子里使用属于同(9) 一语义场的词如reading, writing, language, stories, news, newspapers,使段落自然产生了一种意思上的连续感。


1 When it comes to ___, different people have different views. Some hold that ______. For one thing,______, For another , ______ . Last but not least,_____.

2 In spite of these claims, others maintain that _______. They point out that ____. Another instance cited often is that____. What's more, ________.

3 It is no easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the issue. As for me, there's some truth to both argument . It is advisable to _____.


4 With the advent of ____, there's a growing concern about______. Turning our attention to ____ we find that_____.

5 The above-mentioned change results from the following factors. First of all, ______ . The second thing is ______ . Finally , _______. This is at least partly if not wholly the reason (root) that attribute to the ______.

6 In view of ____, it is essential to take drastic measures to tackle it. The first way to cope with it is to appeal to the authorities to _____. Besides , people's consciousness should be improved as well. Following these measures may not guarantee the success of _______, but the pay-off would be worth the effort.


1 As shown in the table , _____ dropped from ____to _____. Another notable trend is that ____ has been on a sharp rise(fall/decline), which accounts for ______.

2 It can be best exemplified by the following facts. On one hand, _____ should be responsible for the change. On the other, it's due to the fact that______. Moreover ,__________.


Dear Mr. President

I'm lucky to attend this world-famous university, but I'm afraid I'm not content with( ) on campus

Firstly the quality of( )should be improved. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of( ), but they( ). More and more students are complaining about( ). So I think the most urgent problem is ( ).

Secondly,( ). Many of us hope that( ) provide us with not only( ) but also ( ).

Finally,( ) so( ) that we can't ( ). I suggest that( ).

Those presented suggestions are not just of my own, but also of many other students. We hope our respectable president will pay attention to our suggestions.

By the way,( )are very patient and always( ). So I think if our university offers better conditions, they will offer us better service.


1 Ladies and gentlemen, and my dear fellow students, I am Zhang Min, from the computer science department, and I am here to show you that I am the candidate to the post of Chairman of the student union.

2 I am an outstanding and optimistic person, therefore I easily acquaint with other people. And I have experience in holding events like sports meetings and the student congress, I have long been a youth volunteer of China, serving as a key member in the PC service group which is a voluntary team mainly aiming at assisting people in repairing and buying computers and related stuff. In these ways, I have accumulated experience in almost all aspects of required abilities of the post of chairman of the student union. What is more, I am a keen person and I am ready to serve you all, I won't be one of these official looking people who would neglect the real needs of the students. Instead, I will reform the union, changing it from a problem-solving bureau into a service-providing utility. The union is made by the students, of the students and for the students. The most important part of it is that it should be available anytime when needed, which, unluckily, is not yet true. But this will change if I am elected to the post, I will storm the minds people and transform the union into something that will be trusted and reliable. And this I promise.

3 I am Zhang Ming from the Computer science department, Please vote for me


1 When I was going back home from college at four o'clock in the afternoon last Friday, that is June 13th, 2003, I witnessed a terrible car accident. The accident took place on the Middle Fuxin Road.

2 As far as I could remember, I was walking on the pavement and a blue Santana swiftly passed by. When it approached a truck parked on the roadside, suddenly, a girl stepped out from behind the truck. On seeing the girl, the car driver pulled a sudden brake. But it was too late. The girl was hit by the car and bounced off at least three meters. Then she lay on the road, her legs seemingly seriously injured. The police and the ambulance arrived in less than five minutes and the girl was sent to hospital immediately.

3 That is all I had seen. To me the main cause of the accident might be like this: The girl was just about to walk to the other side of the road when the car moved near. But for the big truck, she should have seen the approaching danger. Unfortunately, her view was blocked by the huge vehicle, which evidently led to the tragedy.


1 Hello, everybody, first, I should say that I am very glad to have the opportunity to show you around my hometown,---Shanghai. I'm sure that your visit for the day will give you a brand new impression on the city and the people here as well. As an international city, Shanghai is ready for welcoming every foreign friends to visit. So, just come with me.

2 The schedule for the morning is that we will go to visit the East Pearl TV Tower, which is famous for its height. To some extent, the TV Tower is the symbol of Shanghai. It is obvious that the TV Tower demonstrates the desire of Shanghai for an image as a cosmopolitical (世界性的) city to the whole world. And it also witnesses the rapid development of Pudong Area. After that, the travel bus will send us to Jinmao Tower I which we will have lunch and also have a rest. Therefore, we'll have full energy for the afternoon.

3 The tour for the morning gives you a modern side of Shanghai and then the other part of our visit will show you a traditional Shanghai with its special style.

4 Many foreign friends have heard about the Yu Garden and Chenghuang Temple. They are our next stop. You will have three-hour free time to tour around them yourselves. I advise you that some local food cannot be missed.

5 That's all of our visit schedule for the day. Hope that you have a good time here. Now, here we go.


Reading Comprehension I (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passages quickly and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet 2.

Passage One

First read the following questions.

1. What is causing the delays near Interchange 215?

A. Road construction.

B. A small accident.

C. Inclement weather conditions.

D. Invisibility due to mist.

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