




Building a new socialistcountryside is a major historic
task set at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central
Committee of the Party, which will have an overall impact
on building a moderatelyprosperous society in
all respects and modernizing the country. We need to implement a
policy of getting industry to support agriculture and cities to
support the countryside, strengthen support
for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and continue
making reforms in rural systems and innovations in rural
institutions to bring about a rapid and significant change in the
overall appearance of the countryside.

The first
priority in
developing a new
socialist countryside is to develop
modern agriculture and promote steady expansion of grain
production and sustained increase in rural incomes. We
will stabilize, improve and strengthen policies supporting
agriculture. We will further increase direct subsidies to grain
producers, subsidies for growing superior grain
cultivars, and subsidies for agricultural machinery and
tools as well as increase transfer payments to major
grain-producing counties and financially strapped
counties. We will continue and improve the floor price
policy for key grain varieties and keep prices for agricultural
supplies from rising too quickly.

文章标签:口译  汉英  
