
Scientists can finally explain exactly how and why a cell's defences fail against some invaders, including the plague, while successfully fending off others.
A new super-resolution microscopy technique is providing researchers with never-before-seen detail of a cell membrane.
Jesse Aaron, a researcher at of Sandia National Laboratories, said: "We're trying to do molecular biology with a microscope, but in order to do that, we must be able to look at things on a molecular scale."
The development could open doors to new diagnostic, prevention and treatment techniques.
Receptor proteins on the surface of immune cells, known as toll-like receptors (TLRs), are tasked with recognising intruders.
The TLR4 member of this receptor family responds to certain types of bacteria by detecting lipopolysaccharides (LPS) present on their surface. Then the TLR4 proteins alert the cell and activate an immune response.

Using the techniques they developed, researchers discovered that TLR4 proteins cluster in the membrane when confronted with LPS derived from E.coli, which increases cell signalling and response.
While LPS derived from the bacteria that cause plague do not cause the same effects.
This could explain why some pathogens are able to thwart the human immune system.
The plague studies marked the first time such small events have been imaged and compared, the researchers said.








