
Chinese Colleagues in Foreigners' Eyes

Y_Hello and welcome to another edition of Listeners' Garden on China Radio International. This is your host, Yunfeng.

Z_ And I am Zhong Qiu.

Y_ Zhong Qiu, it's summer time. The days are getting longer but hotter. And shocking news has recently made me very sad and worried.

Z_Shocking news? You mean the earthquake or the floods in south China?

Y_Well, both of them, actually. But what made me particularly touched was reading the letters from around the world. Our dear listeners are sending greetings and condolences, all of which make me feel that how nice our listeners are, and how they make our world a better place in which to live.

Z. So let's read some of these letters now.

Z_Welcome back to Listeners' Garden On China Radio International, I am your host Zhong Qiu

Y_ and I am Yunfeng._Zhong Qiu who do you think people on average spend most of their time with? Parents, spouse or colleagues? Not sure? Well, think of your own situation. Who do you spend most of your time with?

Z_Um, Let me see. It's definitely not my parents, since they live now in my hometown in east China. Is it my husband? Well, I do spend a lot of time at home, but the problem is that he is very busy always, and we don't talk and communicate much actually. So colleagues? Well, yes, I spend 8 hours every day five times a week.

Y_Bingo, you got the answer. For most people nowadays, their situation is pretty much like yours. Most young couple choose to live separately from their parents for various reasons. And since both are usually too busy at work, many couples lack communication time...actually talking about colleagues, I am very happy to have one like you, the pretty ah...

Z_Anyway, now, I think, we are going to talk about Chinese colleagues in foreigners' eyes. What are we going to talk about precisely?

Y_Well, I am just making a point that the relations between colleagues are very important. And it's just the same for foreigners in China.

Z_So, let's start by of the impressions Chinese colleagues have left on some foreigners in China.

Y_ OK, let's hear a CRI program from the eyes of one particular foreigner. Rear View Mirror from Matthew Stedman, comes right after this break.

Y__Thank you, Matthew. With that, we are coming to the end of the program. But before we go, let's hear some of the feature programs CRI has prepared for you in the coming week.

Z: With that we end this week's Listener's Garden, hope you have enjoyed it. You can always write in to contact us.Z: And I am ZQ, Bye for now.

Y: And have a nice day.