
Ain't no sunshine when Rain's gone.


The South Korean singer-actor, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, began his two-year mandatory military service on Tuesday. News photographs showed the 29-year-old pop star, sporting uncharacteristically short hair, saluting hundreds of fans (many of them sobbing) as he prepared to enter an army base near Seoul.


All Korean men are required to serve in the military by the age of 35, although most fulfill their duty in their early 20s. Rain (비) said recently that he wished he had completed his service at an earlier age.

韩国歌手、演员Rain周二开始为期两年的强制服兵役。新闻照片显示,这位29岁的歌星头顶毫无特色的短发,向数百名粉丝行礼致敬,准备进入首尔附近的一个军事基地,很多粉丝都在哭泣。Rain本名郑智薰(Jung Ji-hoon)。

His career took off nearly a decade ago, and he quickly became one of Asia's biggest entertainers, playing to sold-out concerts across the region. He made his film debut in 2006 as a young man confined to a mental hospital in the off-beat Korean comedy-drama 'I'm a Cyborg, but That's OK.'


He appeared in two Hollywood action films: 'Speed Racer' in 2008 and 'Ninja Assassin' in 2009. The latter won him an MTV Movie Award, and in a further sign of his clout in the U.S., Megan Fox called him a 'Korean Justin Timberlake.'

Rain的演艺生涯开始于近10年前,并迅速成为亚洲最耀眼的演艺明星之一,在亚洲各地举行演唱会,门票常常销售一空。2006年,他推出了自己的大屏幕处女作,在这部名为《机器人之恋》(I'm a Cyborg, but That's OK)的另类韩国喜剧片中,他饰演一个关在精神病院里的年轻人。

Rain made a handful of high-profile public appearances in the days leading up to his conscription. He appeared at the Busan International Film Festival late last week to promote his film 'Soar Into the Sun,' which is scheduled for release next year. He partied late into the night with other celebrities at the Asia Pacific Actors Network bash in the Haeundae Grand Hotel.

他还出演过两部好莱坞动作片:2008年的《极速赛车手》(Speed Racer)和2009年的《忍者刺客》(Ninja Assassin)。后一部影片使他获得了MTV电影奖(MTV Movie Award)。梅根•福克斯(Megan Fox)称他是"韩国的贾斯汀•汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)",进一步显示了他在美国的影响。

On Sunday, more than 20,000 fans showed up to see him sing at an outdoor festival, according to news reports, a final performance until his military duty is complete.

Rain在服兵役几天前,高调出席了数个活动。上周晚些时候,他亮相釜山国际电影节,为自己的影片《飞翔:靠近太阳》(Soar Into the Sun)做宣传。该片定于明年上映。他在海云台大酒店(Haeundae Grand Hotel)亚太演员网(Asia Pacific Actors Network)举行的聚会上,与其他名流狂欢到夜里很晚。

Dean Napolitano