
    洋洋:心涛,你在听什么歌啊?    心涛:我在听花儿乐队的四季歌。    洋洋:花儿乐队的歌不错,我也很欣赏他们的。    心涛:是啊,你看他们唱的多好:春天窜进了厨房,夏天总赖在我床上,秋天天高又气爽,冬天它进入了梦乡 啊...     洋洋:对呀,一年四季的感觉都很不一样。    心涛:是的,每个季节都有自己的特色。    洋洋:那你最喜欢什么季节?    心涛:我嘛,我最喜欢春天和秋天。    洋洋:嗯,那你觉得春天有什么特别的?    心涛:春天来了,春回大地,万物生机萌发,到处一片生机勃勃的景象,到处充满了生命力,我喜欢这样的感觉。    洋洋:嗯,我还记得很出名的一句有关春天的谚语,意思是说春天很重要,是一年的开始。    心涛:哦,我知道你说的是什么了:一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。    洋洋:对了,就是这句。那你为什么也喜欢秋天呢?    心涛:因为秋天是收获的季节,金黄的季节,同春一样可爱,同夏一样热情,同冬一样迷人。    洋洋:嗯,这些句子好美啊。    心涛:秋天的时候,田里的稻谷成熟了,地里的蔬菜长大了,很多农作物都长大成熟了,农民伯伯辛勤的劳动终于有收获了,看着他们脸上洋溢着满足的笑容,多么的开心啊。    洋洋:是啊,秋天这收获的季节,确实是让人心情愉悦。    心涛:而且我觉得秋天秋高气爽,气温适中,没有夏天的炎热,也没有冬天的严寒。    洋洋:嗯,冬天穿的像熊猫一样,秋天只要穿薄薄的两件就可以了,很方便。    心涛:是啊,夏天出门得带太阳伞,涂防晒霜,而且一出门就是大汗淋淋。    洋洋:被你说得我也开始喜欢秋天了。     YY: Xin Tao, what song are you listening to?
XT: I'm listening to the Four Seasons Song by the pop band, The Flowers.
YY: Their songs are pretty good, I enjoy their songs too.
XT: Yep, listen to how well they sing: spring flees into the kitchen, summer is lazing on my bed, autumn is cool and refreshing, winter creeps into slumberland. Ahhh...
YY: Right, each of the four seasons throughout the year evokes a completely different feeling.
XT: Agreed, and each season is special in its own way.
YY: So which is your favorite season?
XT: Me? My favorite seasons are spring and autumn.
YY: So why do you feel spring is special?
XT: When spring comes, when spring returns to mother earth, all things come to life again. Scenes of life abound and everywhere is bursting with vitality. I love this feeling.
YY: I remember this famous proverb that concerns spring. It expresses the importance of spring since it marks the beginning of a new year.
XT: Oh, I know what you're talking about: The entire year must be planned for in the spring, the entire day must be planned for in the morning.
YY: You got it, that's the one. And why are you also fond of autumn?
XT: Because autumn is the season for harvesting. It is the season that colors everything gold. It is as lovely as spring, as cordial as summer and as enchanting as winter.
YY: Those sentences are really poetic [lit. beautiful.]
XT: During autumn, the rice crops in the fields have matured, so have the vegetables and many other crops. The farmers' toil and hard work finally bear fruit. They are smiling away with satisfaction, their faces brimming with joy.
YY: Yeah, autumn is the time for harvest. Indeed, it makes one feel cheerful.
XT: Moreover, I feel that the autumn weather is clear and refreshing, the temperature is mild, not at all like the scorching summer heat nor winter's bitter cold.
YY: In the winter we have to put on [thick] clothing that make us look like a panda. In the autumn, we only need to put on a couple of thin layers of clothing. It's very convenient.
XT: Yep, in the summer, when we go outdoors, we have to bring an umbrella, apply sunblock and what's more, we'll be drenched with sweat the moment we walk out the door.
YY: You're making me fall in love with autumn too.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Spring, summer, autumn and winter —— of these four seasons of the year, each has its own characteristics. Which is your favorite season? Lesson Content: YY: Xin Tao, what song are you listening to?
XT: I'm listening to the Four Seasons Song by the pop band, The Flowers.
YY: Their songs are pretty good, I enjoy their songs too.
XT: Yep, listen to how well they sing: spring flees into the kitchen, summer is lazing on my bed, autumn is cool and refreshing, winter creeps into slumberland. Ahhh...
YY: Right, each of the four seasons throughout the year evokes a completely different feeling.
XT: Agreed, and each season is special in its own way.
YY: So which is your favorite season?
XT: Me? My favorite seasons are spring and autumn.
YY: So why do you feel spring is special?
XT: When spring comes, when spring returns to mother earth, all things come to life again. Scenes of life abound and everywhere is bursting with vitality. I love this feeling.
YY: I remember this famous proverb that concerns spring. It expresses the importance of spring since it marks the beginning of a new year.
XT: Oh, I know what you're talking about: The entire year must be planned for in the spring, the entire day must be planned for in the morning.
YY: You got it, that's the one. And why are you also fond of autumn?
XT: Because autumn is the season for harvesting. It is the season that colors everything gold. It is as lovely as spring, as cordial as summer and as enchanting as winter.
YY: Those sentences are really poetic [lit. beautiful.]
XT: During autumn, the rice crops in the fields have matured, so have the vegetables and many other crops. The farmers' toil and hard work finally bear fruit. They are smiling away with satisfaction, their faces brimming with joy.
YY: Yeah, autumn is the time for harvest. Indeed, it makes one feel cheerful.
XT: Moreover, I feel that the autumn weather is clear and refreshing, the temperature is mild, not at all like the scorching summer heat nor winter's bitter cold.
YY: In the winter we have to put on [thick] clothing that make us look like a panda. In the autumn, we only need to put on a couple of thin layers of clothing. It's very convenient.
XT: Yep, in the summer, when we go outdoors, we have to bring an umbrella, apply sunblock and what's more, we'll be drenched with sweat the moment we walk out the door.
YY: You're making me fall in love with autumn too.