

The DaisyATXul0 cf0
Listen to my story! In the country, close by the roadside, there stands a summerhouse-you must certainly have seen it. In front is a little garden full of flowers, enclosed by white palings with green knobs; and on a bank outside the palin
gs there grew, amidst the freshest of grass, a little daisy.
The sun shone as brightly and warmly upon the daisy as upon the splendid large flowers within the garden, and therefore it grew hourly; so that one mornin
g it stood fully open with its delicate white gleaming petals, which, like rays, surrounded the little yellow sun in their centre.
It never occurred to the little flower that no one saw her, hidden as she was among
the grass. She was quite contented: she turned toward the warm sun, looked at it, and listened to the lark who was singing in the air.
The daisy was as happy as if it were the day of some high fes
tival, and yet it was only Monday. The children were at school; and, whilst they sat upon their forms and learned their lessons, the little flower upon her green stalk learned from the warm sun, and everything around her, how good God
Meanwhile the little lark expressed clearly and beautifully all she felt in silence! And the flower looked up with a sort of reverence to the happy bird who could fly and sing; it did not dist
ress her that she could not do the same.

请听我细说雏菊! 在一个乡村的小径旁有一座凉亭,你一定看过这座凉亭。 它前面有一座小花园,里面种满了花,而花园被白色的栅栏及绿色的篱笆门包围着,就在栅栏外面的一堆青草中绽放着一朵小小的雏菊。
虽然小草遮掩着小雏菊,但是这朵小花的心里从来不曾想过别人根本没有注意到她。 她还是相当的满足,她仰望温暖的阳光,看着太阳的同时,也仔细聆听云雀在空中唱出的歌声。
雏菊像是过着重要的节庆一般地快乐,而其实这一天只不过是星期一罢了! 当孩子们正在学校里,且坐在长板凳上上课的时候,这朵小花在她绿色的茎支撑之下,从温暖的阳光以及她周围所有的事物中,领悟到上帝是多么美好!
就在这时候,一只小云雀把雏菊在静谧中所感受的清新和美妙用歌声表达出来。 这朵小花于是怀着一种仰慕的心情,仰望这只能飞又能唱歌的快乐鸟儿,可是雏菊并不因为自己不能像云雀一样而感到伤心。
