

Now came the South Wind in his turban, and floating Bedouin mantle.

"It is very cold here," said he, as he threw wood upon the fire; "one may see that the North Wind has arrived before me."
"It is so hot that a polar bear might be roasted here," said the North Wind.
"Thou art thyself a polar bear," said the South Wind.
"Do you wish, both of you, to go into the sack?" asked the old woman. "Sit down on yonder stone, and tell m
e where you have been."
"In Africa, mother," answered he. "I have been hunting lions in the land of the Kaffirs, along with the Hottentots. Such beautiful grass grows on those p
lains, green as olives! The gnu danced there, and the ostrich ran races with me; but I am swifter than he.
"I came to the yellow sands of the desert; there one might fancy oneself at the bottom of
the sea. I met with a caravan; they had just killed their last camel, in hopes of getting water to drink; but they did not find much. The sun was burning over their heads, the sands roasting beneath their feet. There seemed no end to the desert. I rolled myself up in the fine, loose sand, and threw it up into the form of an immensepillar; a famous dance it had!
"You should have seen how puz
zled the dromedary looked, and how the merchant drew his caftan over his head. He threw himself down before me as he was accustomed to do before Allah.

「你们两个都想被关进袋子里去吗?」老妇人说。 「你坐到那边的石头上,然后告诉我,去了一些什么地方?」
「去过非洲,妈妈。」他回答说。 「我曾经和卡菲尔的贺东土人一起捕猎狮子。 那些平原上长着很美的绿草,绿得像榄橄树一样! 那里的大羚羊在跳跃,鸵鸟和我赛跑,但是我跑得比它快。」
「我还到过遍地是黄沙的沙漠,人到了那种地方,会以为自己身在海底。 我跟着一队骆驼商人,他们刚刚才杀死最后的一只骆驼,好希望能弄到一些水来喝,可是他们并没有找到足够的水。 炎热的太阳在他们头顶上曝晒着,沙砾烫着他们的脚底。 沙漠似乎是无边无际的。 我在这些细小、松垮的沙砾上打滚,然后把沙子吹成巨大的柱形,这可是很著名的一种舞蹈哦!
「你们实在应该瞧瞧那只单峰骆驼看上去有多么迷惑的表情,还有那个商人拿长衫遮掩着头的样子。 他跪在我的面前,就像他常常跪在他的上帝阿拉真神的面前一样。
