

"Where are your sons?" asked the Prince.
"There is no
use in answering stupid questions," said the woman; "my sons do as they please- play at ball with the clouds up there!" and then she pointed to the blue sky above.
"Indeed!" said the Prince; "you speak in rather a h
arsh manner, and altogether do not seem so gentle as the women I am accustomed to see around me."
"Yes; they have nothing else to do! I must be harsh if I am to control my boys; however, I can con
trol them, although they have stiff necks. Do you see those four sacks hanging by the wall? They have as much respect for them, as you used to have for the rod behind the looking-glass. I double t
hem up, I tell you, and then they must get into the sacks; we use no ceremony; there they sit, and do not come out till it pleases me. But here comes one of them!"
It was the North Wind: he brough
t icy coldness with him; large hailstones danced on the ground, and flakes of snow flew around him. He was dressed in a jacket and trousers of bear's-skin, a cap of seal's-skin hung over his ears; long icicles hung from his beard, and
one hailstone after another fell from under the collar of his jacket.
"Do not go immediately to the fire," said the Prince, "you may perhaps get your face and hands frost-bitten."
"Frost-bitten!" repeated the North Wind, and he laughed aloud; "frost is my greatest delight! But what spindle-shanked boy are you? How did you get into the Cavern of the Winds?"

「当然,她们终日无所事事! 而我必须严厉一点才能监督我的孩子,虽然他们顽固不易管教,但我还是能制服他们。 你有没有看到挂在墙上的四个袋子? 他们就好象你常常害怕见到镜子背后的棍子一样地对这些袋子敬畏三分。 我告诉你,我把他们折起来,放进袋子里,我们不拘什么礼节,他们就待在那里面不许出来,除非等到我高兴。 好了,现在其中一个回来了!」
这是北风,他带着冷冽的寒风回来,大块的冰雹在地板上跳跃,而雪花也在身旁飞舞。 他身穿熊皮夹克和裤子,一顶海豹皮制的帽子翻下来遮盖他的耳朵,他的胡子上垂着长长的冰柱,一块块的冰雹从他的夹克领子掉下来。
「生冻疮!」北风重复他的话,随后大笑一声。「寒冷是我最大的嗜好! 不过,你这有细长腿的男孩是谁呀? 怎么会到风洞来呢。」
