

"And may I stay here always?" asked he.
"That depends
upon thyself," answered the Fairy. "If thou dost not, like Adam, allow thyself to be led to do what is forbidden, thou mayst stay here always."
"I will not touch the apple on the Tree of Knowledge
." said the Prince; "there are a thousand fruits here quite as beautiful!"
"Examine thyself: if thou art not strong enough, return with the East Wind who brought thee; he is just going to fly back, and will not retu
rn for a hundred years. The time will pass away here as if it were only a hundred hours; but it is a long time for temptation and sin.
"Every evening when I leave thee, I must invite thee to 'Come
with me! ' I must beckon to thee, but- stay behind; come not with me, for every step will but increase the temptation, Thou wilt come into the hall where the Tree of Knowledge stands; I shall sleep among its fragranthanging branches;
thou wilt bend over me, and if thou touchest me, Paradise will sink beneath the earth, and be lost to thee. The sharp wind of the desert will whistle around; the cold rain will drip from thy hair; sorrow and care will be thy inheritan
"I will stay here," said the Prince. And the East Wind kissed his forehead, and said, "Be strong, and we shall see each other again after a hundred years. Farewell, farewel

「那全由你自己来决定。」仙子回答说。 「如果你不像亚当那样纵容自己受引诱而去做禁忌的事,那么你就可以永远留在这里。」
「你要慎重的考虑清楚,如果你的意念不够坚定,那么还是和带你来这儿的东风回去吧!他现在正要飞回去了,他要到一百年后才会再回来。 在这里,一百年的时间只是一百个小时而已,但是这短短的时间,已长得足够引诱或犯罪了!
「每当夜晚来临,当我和你道别时,我一定会邀请你,并且说『请跟我来』。 我一定会对你招手示意,但是,你千万要在我身后停下来,不要跟随我去,因为每一步都会增加一分引诱力,你会跟随我到大厅上智能树生长的地方,我睡在智能树垂下来的枝叶之间,那时你就会近身依偎着我!若是你碰到了我,天国乐园就会沉落到地底下,消失在你眼前。 沙漠的强风会在你四周呼号;寒冷的雨会从你的头发间落下,届时你将承受所有的悲伤和忧虑。」
「我要留在这里。」王子说。 于是东风吻了吻他的前额并说:「要坚定意志,一百年后我们会再见面的。 再见!再见!」
