

And in the midst of the hall stood a large tree with luxuriant branches; golden apples, of di
fferent sizes, hung like oranges among the green leaves. This was the Tree of Knowledge, the fruit of which Adam and Eve had eaten. From every leaf there dropped a bright red drop of dew; it seemed as if the tree wep
t tears of blood.
"Let us get into the boat," said the Fairy; "we shall find it so refreshing. The boat is rocked on the swelling waves, without stirring from its place; but all the countries in t
he world will appear to glide past us."
And it was strange to see all the coast moving; first came the high, snow-covered Alps, with their clouds and dark fir-trees; the horn's deep melancholy tones were heard, whils
t the herdsman was singing merrily in valley below.
Then the banyan-trees let their long hanging branches fall into the boat; coal-black swans glided along the water, and the strangest looking animals and flowers we
re to be seen on the shore: it was New Holland which succeeded the high, blue Alps.
And now came the hymns of priests, the dance of savages, accompanied by the noise of drums, and of the wooden tuba. Egypt's cloud-aspiring pyramids, overthrown pillars, and sphinxes sailed by.
The northern lights beamed over the icy mountains of the north; they were fireworks such as no mortal could imitate.
The Prince was so happy! He saw a hundred times more than we have related here.

大厅的中央有一株枝叶茂密的大树,在绿色树叶里垂挂着大小不一像柳橙一样的苹果。 这株就是智能树,亚当和夏娃吃过树上的果子。 从每一片叶子里,滴落下鲜红的露珠,看起来好象是这棵树流着如血一般的红色眼泪。
「我们上船吧!」仙子说:「我们将会感到神清气爽。 船在起伏的波浪上摇晃,而我们将停留在原地不会移动,但是我们却能欣赏到世界各国在眼前一一滑过。」
随之而来的是牧师们的赞美诗,还有夹杂着嘈杂声、鼓声,以及木制低音大喇叭声的原始人舞蹈。 高入云霄的埃及金字塔、倾颓的柱子和人面狮身雕像都一一从船只的旁边掠过去了。
北极光在北方的冰山闪闪发亮,那是人类所不能模仿的烟火。 王子非常的快乐。 他在那里看到的奇景,远超过我们在这里所能叙述的几百倍。
